The name of the person who referred you:  Tóth Krisztina, Your ID: HU446254



Annex 1. Inlernet benefits, career scheme, commission and bonuses,
valid from March 1, 2016
Jump to Annexes 2.,4.

This annex shall constitute an inseparable part of the General Terms of Contract (GTC) of the currently effective Inlernet Frequent Buyer Contract.

The following means of payment shall be accepted in the Inlernet System when purchases are made at the Product Partners of the Inlernet System:

Cash, bank cards or bank transfers with the Product Partner as transferee

The Frequent Buyer may and shall pay for the goods and services purchased at the Product Partners with cash, by bank card or via bank transfer with the Product Partner as transferee in the same manner as he would in the case of a non-Product Partner service provider with the exception that he must inform the Product Partner at the end of the shopping that the purchases qualify as purchases within the Inlernet System and provide his frequent buyer identifier.

In order to avoid providing erroneous information, the Frequent Buyer should present his frequent buyer card downloadable from his personal Web Office, likewise, the Product Partner should request the presentation of the frequent buyer card.

Unless a purchase voucher is used for the purchase, the Product Partner shall record the time, gross value, the identification number of the receipt issued as well as the frequent buyer identification in his personal Web Office in the Inlernet System.

Inlernet Hungary Partners Zrt. shall send the Product Partner an invoice and a performance certificate in respect of the commission due to the Product Partner on the individual purchase at the intervals specified in the Product Partner Contract. Subsequently, within the period open for payment, the Product Partner shall transfer the commission to Inlernet Hungary Partners Zrt.’s bank account, the number of which is indicated on the invoice issued by Inlernet Hungary Partners Zrt. and indicate the sequence number of the invoice in the “Remarks” field.

The handling fee charged by Inlernet shall be deducted from the commission transferred to the bank account and identified, booked and approved by Inlernet; subsequently, the Trade Discount (see below) shall be credited to the Commission Account of the Frequent Buyer and his Referees and the Trade Discount Account of the Frequent Buyer in accordance with the rules laid down in GTC and this annex thereto.

If, during data recording in the Web Office, the Inlernet account of Product Partners is funded, Inlernet will debit product partner ommission to them. Thus, in accordance with the GTC and these annexes, commission, refunds and discounts are credited to the accounts of Frequent Buyers and their Reccommenders immediately.

Ordering and paying with Inlernet On-line Vouchers

Frequent Buyers have to complete the template available in the mobile application, in the personalised Frequent Buyer’s Web Office at the Inlernet’s website and accept the contractual offer so as to order Inlernet on-line vouchers and pay the entire amount or part of it, i.e. to book the vouchers.

In order to pay the full value of the voucher or the remaining amount if earnest money has been paid (see Annex to GTC), the Frequent Buyer has to transfer or deposit the required amount (in)to the bank account of Inlernet Worldwide AG. Unless it is not available on his Commission, Voucher or Inlernet Account.

In the course of making the transfer or the deposit, the Product Partner shall indicate his frequent buyer identifier for the purpose of identification. The amount transferred, identified and approved will be displayed on the Inlernet Account of the Frequent Buyer. Unless the amount required for the voucher ordered is available, the System does not allow ordering on-line vouchers.

Data required for the unambiguous identification of the Product Partner (product partner outlet identifier) and any other data pertaining to the voucher to be ordered and its value shall be indicated on the on-line form used for ordering vouchers and on the contract. The Frequent Buyer can pay the amount needed for the voucher using the above accounts concurrently with concluding the contract.

Subsequently, a duplicate of the voucher can be downloaded from the Downloadables-Vouchers Menu in his personal Web Office. He can purchase goods or services from the selected Product Partner subsequent to the printing out of the duplicate of the vouchers and bearing in mind what is described below. The original copy of the voucher is only available on-line in the Inlernet System.

After the Frequent Buyer has sent the order for the voucher, i.e. the contractual offer, to Inlernet, and, concurrently with this, made the above payment in full and the Inlernet System has recorded such, the Product Partner will receive a copy of the voucher. Inlernet transfers the value of the voucher less commission to the Product Partner within three banking days from the issue of the voucher.

When the voucher is ordered and its value is paid in full, the commission, refunds and discounts under the GTC and the annexes thereto will be credited to the bank accounts of the Frequent Buyer and his Referees. When the voucher is ordered and its partial value (earnest money) is paid, the discount under the GTC and the annexes thereto will be credited to the Discount Account of the Frequent Buyer; subsequently, he will receive a Right which can generate various types of commission to him and his Referees.

It follows from the foregoing that, subsequent to ordering the voucher, sending the contract to the Inlernet and paying the value of the voucher, the Frequent Buyer may not cancel his order. Nevertheless, if he has only paid earnest money for the voucher, he may modify the Product Partner when he is paying the remaining amount and request the voucher in instalments in accordance with the applicable rules of the GTC.

The balances of the above accounts are available in the personal Web Office of the Frequent Buyer in the “Voucher Account”, “Commission Account”, “Inlernet Account” and “Discount Account” Menus.

When the vouchers are used, the Product Partner checks the identity of the Product Partner, the identifier, security code and other security features of the voucher and compares them with the duplicate sent to him. The Product Partner accepts the voucher and takes it over from the Frequent Buyer only if the above data correspond exactly to each other and the security features are present.

The Frequent Buyer may use the vouchers issued in the Inlernet System in instalments. In this case, the Product Partner only removes the coupon printed on the voucher furnished with a separate security code and registers it in his own Web Office. The Frequent Buyer keeps the rest of the voucher on which the Product Partner prints the residual value which can be used at the Product Partner concerned at a later date.

Inlernet would like to recommend that the Frequent Buyer should proceed with extra care and pay close attention when a voucher is used in instalments as described above, especially, as regards the security codes on the coupons not removed.

Inlernet On-line Vouchers can be used for purchasing goods and services only at the outlets of the Inlernet Product Partner indicated on them and selected by the Frequent Buyer in advance.

Ordering Inlernet Product Partner Vouchers and payment with them

The Frequent Buyer has to complete the form available at the website of Inlernet, in his personal Web Office and accept the contractual offer there so as to order Inlernet Product Partner Vouchers and pay the entire value thereof or pay part of their value, in which case he pays earnest money.

In order to pay the full value of the voucher or the remaining amount if earnest money has been paid (see Annex to GTC), the Frequent Buyer has to transfer or deposit the required amount (in)to the bank account of Inlernet Worldwide AG. Unless it is not available on his Commission, Voucher or Inlernet Account.

In the course of making the transfer or the deposit, the Product Partner shall indicate his frequent buyer identifier for the purpose of identification. The amount transferred, identified and approved will be displayed on the Inlernet Account of the Frequent Buyer. Unless the amount required for the voucher ordered is available, the System does not allow ordering Product Partner Vouchers.

Data required for the unambiguous identification of the Product Partner (product partner outlet identifier) and any other data pertaining to the voucher to be ordered and its value shall be indicated on the on-line form used for ordering vouchers and on the contract. The Frequent Buyer can pay the amount needed for the voucher using the above accounts concurrently with concluding the contract.

When the voucher is ordered and its value is paid in full, the commission, refunds and discounts under the GTC and the annexes thereto will be credited to the bank accounts of the Frequent Buyer and his Referees. When the voucher is ordered and its partial value (earnest money) is paid, the discount under the GTC and the annexes thereto will be credited to the Discount Account of the Frequent Buyer; subsequently, he will receive a Right which can generate various types of commission to him and his Referees.

After the Frequent Buyer has sent the order for the voucher, i.e. the contractual offer, to Inlernet, and, concurrently with this, made the above payment in full and the Inlernet System has recorded such, Inlernet will send the Product Partner an order for the Product Partner Vouchers.

After the Product Partner Voucher arrives at the office of Inlernet Hungary Partners Zrt., Inlernet transfers the value of the voucher less commission to the Product Partner within three banking days from the issue of the voucher.

The Frequent Buyer will receive the Product Partner Voucher from the courier subsequent to these acts, the approval of Inlernet and the payment of the fee charged for the courier delivery or may, subject to prior arrangements, take it over in the office of the Hungarian subsidiary of Inlernet Worldwide AG. (Inlernet Hungary Partners Zrt. 1024 Budapest, Zivatar u. 14. fsz./2.).

It follows from the foregoing that, subsequent to ordering the voucher, sending the contract to the Inlernet and paying the value of the voucher, the Frequent Buyer may not cancel his order. Nevertheless, if he has only paid earnest money for the voucher, he may modify the Product Partner when he is paying the remaining amount and request the voucher in instalments in accordance with the applicable rules of the GTC.

When the original Product Partner Vouchers are used, the Product Partner checks the identifier, security code and other security features of the voucher. The Product Partner accepts the voucher and takes it over from the Frequent Buyer only if the above data correspond exactly to each other and genuineness has been established.

The balances of the above accounts are available in the personal Web Office of the Frequent Buyer in the “Voucher Account”, “Commission Account”, “Inlernet Account” and “Discount Account” Menus.

As the Product Partner cannot provide cash for any amount that might remain from the value of any voucher to be used, we recommend that Frequent Buyers should select a voucher whose value is equal to the price of the goods or services to be purchased.

Inlernet Product Partner Vouchers can be used for purchasing goods and services only at the outlets of the Inlernet Product Partner indicated on them and selected by the Frequent Buyer in advance.

A great advantage to On-line Vouchers and Product Partner Vouchers (hereinafter collectively: Inlernet Vouchers) is that paying with them results in the crediting of further discounts and, as a result, the Frequent Buyer may acquire Rights in the Inlernet System and earn refunds and commission.

When Inlernet On-line Vouchers and Product Partner Vouchers are paid, the Product Partner may also pay the remaining value of the Inlernet Vouchers on which he has already paid earnest money. Thus, he can use the amounts paid as earnest money on purchase vouchers, thereby reducing the amounts still payable for purchase vouchers.

If the voucher on which earnest money has been paid is used for paying the voucher, no further discounts will be credited to the Discount Account in the course of the issuing or ordering the voucher, for it was already credited when the Frequent Buyer paid earnest money on the voucher. Therefore, he may not acquire another Right either, for he already received the discount pertaining to the voucher and, hence, the Right when he paid the earnest money. If the Frequent Buyer received a discount and a Right when he uses the voucher, he would receive them twice. Accordingly, when the value of the voucher is paid, only Frequent Buyer refunds and Referee refunds are generated in the Inlernet System and credited to the Commission Account.

Vouchers cannot be exchanged for cash.

Falsification of vouchers in any manner may lead to criminal proceedings and is, for this reason (as well), strictly prohibited.

Operation of the Inlernet System

Inlernet Classes:

As the purchases made at the outlets of the Product Partners represent different values and volumes, there are six Inlernet Classes (shown in the table below) in the Inlernet System, each with a different value category. The Frequent Buyer may acquire Frequent Buyer Rights at different discounts and paying different amounts of earnest money in the individual Inlernet Classes, and if they reach a symmetrical number, Right Commission of different amounts are generated.

The Frequent Buyer may, at his sole discretion, decide on the Inlernet Class where he would like to use the discounts from his purchases to acquire Rights if the Discount Account makes such possible.

The Frequent Buyer may, at his sole discretion, decide on the Inlernet Class where he would like to acquire Rights after he has paid earnest money on the voucher, therefore he has to select the earnest money that belongs to the class he has decided on.

Rights can only be included in their own class; no other classes are allowed.

Rights in the individual Inlernet Classes constitute independent Right Trees in the Inlernet System.

Payment for the partial value of purchase vouchers and earnest money on vouchers

The Frequent Buyer may pay earnest money on purchase vouchers in the Inlernet System in the case of expenses that represent higher values, e.g. buying, building or remodelling homes, holidays, car purchases or purchasing Christmas gifts, i.e. purchases that do not take place immediately, rather, the Frequent Buyer plans to make them in the future. This means that the Frequent Buyer only pays part of the value of the purchase voucher, which qualifies as earnest payment under the Civil Code (the CC).

By paying earnest money on the voucher, the Frequent Buyer expresses his intention to make purchases at the outlets of Inlernet Product Partners and makes a commitment to this effect. The Frequent Buyer may not reclaim the value of the earnest money in cash; he may only supplement it to the full value of a voucher intended to be used to pay goods and services in accordance with Annex 2 to the GTC or he may - up to the value of the discounts granted on the purchases at the outlets of Product Partners - exchange it for cash in the manner presented in detail hereafter (“Redemption of earnest money for cash”).

Thus, by paying earnest money on the voucher, the Frequent Buyer makes a commitment to making purchases and Inlernet can be assured that the Frequent Buyer will, sooner or later, use up the amount intended to cover the earnest money in purchases made at the outlets of Product Partners, thereby earning commission for Inlernet and his Frequent Buyer Referees and refunds and discounts for himself.

Subsequent to paying earnest money on the purchase voucher, the Frequent Buyer becomes entitled to his Discount Account being credited with an amount equal to the amount of the earnest money, which makes it possible for the Frequent Buyer to acquire and include a Right in an Inlernet Class that corresponds to the amount of the earnest money. An amount equal to the amount of the earnest money is credited automatically to the Discount Account in the course of the payment of the earnest money; likewise, it is debited to the Discount Account when the Frequent Buyer acquires the Right in the Class concerned. As the purchases made by Frequent Buyers in the Inlernet System represent various values, various amounts of earnest money are pegged to the individual Classes.

As discounts earned through purchase and the earnest money indicating commitment to planned purchases generate Rights of the same type, in order for one Right to be acquired, the balance of the Discount Account must be equal to the amount of the earnest money payable for the voucher.

Earnest money pegged to the individual Inlernet Classes:

Inlernet-Class Earnest money on Inlernet Class
I. 42 USD
II. 126 USD
III. 350 USD
IV. 1 050 USD
V. 3 150 USD
VI. 6 300 USD

There is no time frame on supplementing the earnest money to the full value of the voucher irrespective of Inlernet Class to which the earnest money paid corresponds. Thus, the amount of the earnest money can be used for purchase without any time limit if it is supplemented to the full value of the voucher on the basis of Point 5.12 of the GTC and Annex 2 to the GTC.

The amount of the earnest money can be used up in whole or in part in the course of the supplementation of the voucher, subject to the full value of the required voucher.

Amount of earnest money on voucher: 42 USD
Discount granted by Product Partner where the voucher is used in whole or in part: 10%
Full value of voucher as per Voucher Value Table (Annex 2 to the GTC): 700 USD
Requested partial voucher value: 70 USD
Ratio of the partial voucher value to the full voucher value: 70 USD / 700 USD = 0,1
Therefore, 10% of the full amount of the earnest money can be used up in the course of ordering the partial voucher.
The amount purchased with the 4,2 USD earnest money must be supplemented with 65,8 USD in order for the 70 USD partial voucher can be received.
Thus, 90% of the amount of the earnest money, i.e. 37,8 USD can be used to pay one or more future partial vouchers.

If the voucher on which earnest money has been paid is used when the voucher is paid, no further discount will be credited to the Discount Account when the voucher is issued or ordered, because it already took place when the Frequent Buyer paid the voucher. It follows that the Frequent Buyer may not acquire another Right either, because he was already granted discount and the related the Right when he paid the earnest money. If the Frequent Buyer received a discount and a Right when he uses the voucher, he would receive them twice. Accordingly, when the value of the voucher is paid, only Frequent Buyer refunds and Referee refunds are generated in the Inlernet System and credited to the Commission Account.

Trade discounts:

Each purchase made at the outlets of Product Partners generates a discount for the Frequent Buyer (if no voucher is used, the fact of the purchase is recorded by the Product Partner in the Inlernet System). Such trade discount is settled in the Inlernet System.

Inlernet agrees on a certain discount with each Product Partner. The discount less the handling fee deducted by Inlernet shall be the trade discount. The rate of the trade discount including the handling fee for each Product Partner is available at the Inlernet website ( in the Product Partner section.

Trade discounts are used to disburse Frequent Buyer and Referee refunds directly to Frequent Buyers to their Commission Account and the remaining discount is credited to the Frequent Buyer’s Discount Account, the balance of which entitles the Frequent Buyer to acquire Rights in the Inlernet System.

Discount Account balances determined for the acquisition of Rights in the individual Inlernet Classes:

Inlernet Classes Discount Account balance
I. 42 USD
II. 350 USD
III. 350 USD
IV. 1 050 USD
V. 3 150 USD
VI. 6 300 USD

The Frequent Buyer can monitor his Commission and Discount Accounts, postings and the current balance in his personal Web Office.

Redemption of earnest money on vouchers for cash:

By paying earnest money on the voucher, the Frequent Buyer expresses his intention to make purchases at the outlets of Inlernet Product Partners and makes a commitment to this effect. If the Frequent Buyer does not wish to use up the earnest money on vouchers, yet he would like to exchange it for cash, he can do so by re-setting the mode of the use of earnest money to cash in the Settings Menu in his Web Office as follows.

As the Frequent Buyer may not change his intention to make purchases, in order to exchange earnest money for cash, he has to make purchases at the outlets of Product Partners.

If he does not use vouchers to pay his purchases or he does but he does not use up the amount of the earnest money and re-set the mode of the use of earnest money to cash in the Settings Menu in his Web Office, the amount will be credited to the Frequent Buyer’s Commission Account from the commission earned on purchases, up to the amount on the Discount Account, but up to the amount of the earnest money at most. The amounts thus credited are transferred from the Commission Account to the Frequent Buyer’s bank account every second week, i.e. he can exchange the earnest money for cash again.

If the Frequent Buyer decides on redeeming earnest money for cash, nothing is booked on the Discount Account, instead the amount is booked on the Commission Account. Thus, the Frequent Buyer may not acquire further Rights with his purchases.

Earnest money is credited to the Commission Account only if the Frequent Buyer’s Web Office is set to cash in the mode of the use of the earnest money when the product partner commission is credited. Therefore, what counts is the setting of the Web Office when the commission is credited, and not when the purchase is paid.

Earnest money is credited to the Commission Account only if the Frequent Buyer’s Web Office is set to cash in the mode of the use of the earnest money when the product partner commission is credited. Therefore, what counts is the setting of the Web Office when the commission is credited, and not when the purchase is paid.

Frequent Buyer Refunds and Referee Refunds:

Inlernet refunds the Frequent Buyer 10% of the discount on the gross value of his purchases at the outlets of Product Partners as Frequent Buyer Refund with no strings attached.

Discount granted by Product Partner: 10%,
Purchased value: 350 USD,
Amount of the discount: 35 USD
Frequent Buyer refund: 3,5 USD

The Frequent Buyer Refund is credited to the Frequent Buyer’s Commission Account when Inlernet Vouchers are ordered or in the event of non-voucher-based purchases by the Frequent Buyer if the commission has been transferred by the Product Partner to the bank account of Inlernet and is booked in the Inlernet System.

Inlernet refunds the Frequent Buyer’s Instructor, the Instructor’s Instructor, the Instructor’s Instructor’s Instructor and His Instructor (at four successive levels in an increasing order) 5%-5%-5%-5% of the discount on the gross value of the Frequent Buyer’s purchases at the outlets of Product Partners as Referee Refunds with no strings attached.

Discount granted by Product Partner: 10%,
Purchased value: 350 USD,
Amount of the discount: 3,5 USD
Referee refund: 4 x 1,75 USD

The Referee Refund is credited to the Instructor’s Commission Account when Inlernet Vouchers are ordered or in the event of non-voucher-based purchases by the Frequent Buyer if the commission has been transferred by the Product Partner to the bank account of Inlernet and is booked in the Inlernet System.

Frequent Buyer Refunds and Referee Refunds are generated through Product Partner sales, but not by paying earnest money on vouchers. Earnest money on vouchers does not generate Product Partner sales unless the Frequent Buyer supplements the amount of the earnest money to the full value of the voucher and uses the Inlernet Voucher to pay for his.

Any discount that may remain after the above refunds and the commission due to Inlernet (on the Frequent Buyer’s purchases, 10% of the discount of the gross purchased value) shall be credited to the Frequent Buyer’s Discount Account. The Frequent Buyer may acquire Rights in the Inlernet System subject to a certain balance of the Discount Account.

Rights in the Inlernet System:

If the balance of the Frequent Buyer’s Discount Account reaches at least 42 USD, he may acquire rights in the Inlernet System and place on his Tree of Rights corresponding to the Class of the Right. He may acquire the same rights if he pays earnest money on vouchers in the Inlernet System.

Rights can only be acquired through making purchases at the outlets of Product Partners or expressing commitments to future purchases at the outlets of Product Partners, i.e. paying earnest money on vouchers in accordance with the above.

Rights CANNOT be directly purchased for money or in return for something else in the Inlernet System.

A Right entitles the Frequent Buyer to various types of commission and Bonus Rights. The table at the end of the Annex shows their rates and conditions

As the same rights are generated from the discounts on purchases and the earnest money reflecting intention to buy, in order for a right to be acquired the balance of the Discount Account must be equal to the amount of the earnest money on vouchers.

The Frequent Buyer need not hold a right in order to be able to recommend new Frequent Buyers or to be eligible for Frequent Buyer Refunds, Referee Refunds and Discounts.

The Rights acquired in the Inlernet System are linked to various types of Rights acquired earlier (Old System) like e.g. Classic Rights, Modern Rights and Bonus Rights. Rights differ from each other regarding the commission, vouchers and Bonus Rights that they generate and the terms and conditions thereof (see also Annex 3).

The Frequent Buyer may only acquire Inlernet Rights and Inlernet Bonus Rights but not Classic or Modern Rights in the Inlernet System.

If the Frequent Buyer holds a Right, he may place further acquired Rights in an order following it.

Rights are allocated sequence numbers that vary by Inlernet Class in accordance with the table below:

Inlernet Classes Sequence number of rights
I. From I.0001
II. From II.0001
III. From III.0001
IV. From IV.0001
V. From V.0001
VI. From VI.0001

Placement of Rights:

The first Right of the Frequent Buyer shall in each Inlernet Class be placed by his Instructor (the Referee who recommended Inlernet to the Frequent Buyer) or the Instructor etc. or, after 12 weeks, by the Inlernet System (by way of help) on the Instructor’s personal Tree of Rights, starting from the first right at a place ideal to the balance of the tree. An equilibrium of the Tree of Rights means that, in the binary system, the number of Rights is identical on both branches of the Tree of Rights.

The Frequent Buyer may, in any Inlernet country, acquire Rights in the same Inlernet Class where he already holds a Right in his home country (i.e. where he got registered in the Inlernet System). In any Inlernet Class the first Right is placed on the Tree of Rights of the home country. Rights can be acquired by paying earnest money on purchase vouchers regarding Product Partners in any country or through purchases in any country on the basis of the amounts credited to the Discount Account.

Only two new Rights (one above, the other below it) can be placed under one Right in what is called the binary way. Rights are placed from left to right in the Frequent Buyer’s Web Office, which under the System’s interpretation means that right-hand side Rights are placed under left-hand side Rights. Owing to the binary principle, only two Rights on the right can be placed directly to the Right on the left (i.e. only two Rights can be placed below it), one above, the other below it. Based on this, differentiation can be made between an upper right-hand side Right and a lower right-hand side Right, both of which are directly connected on the right.

Rights not yet placed are treated as Rights on a waiting list by the Inlernet System, and the Frequent Buyer may place further rights below them. However, his Instructor must, without delay (in two weeks at the latest) place these waiting list rights on his own Tree of Rights; in a case to the contrary, the Inlernet System will see to it automatically. Instructors shall be notified of the generation and the need for their placement of waiting list rights.

As the position of a right cannot be changed once it has been placed, the Frequent Buyer must proceed with caution when the right is placed. Inlernet undertakes no liability for any damage that might be caused to the Frequent Buyer and that arises from Rights placed at a place other than the ideal one.

The Inlernet System may place the Rights automatically for the Frequent Buyer. The Frequent Buyer may set this option in his personal Web Office in the Settings and Placement of Rights Menus. If the Right is placed automatically, the Frequent Buyer may select the Inlernet Country whose Tree of Rights the Inlernet System places the Right as well as the Right (the first Right of the country or the Frequent Buyer) starting from which the System places the Right. If the System places the Right starting from the first Right of the country, the Right is placed on the first vacant Right place from left to right and from top to bottom on the Tree of Rights. If the System places the Right starting from the first right of the Frequent Buyer, then it will be placed at a place ideal to the balance of the Tree of Rights.

If the Instructor has selected automatic placement, the Inlernet System immediately places the first Right of the Frequent Buyer starting from the Right that the Instructor acquired first at a place ideal to the balance of the Tree of Rights. All further placements shall be carried out by the Frequent Buyer or, in the case of automatic placement, by the Inlernet System by way of help.

Inlernet assumes no liability for any damage caused to the Frequent Buyer owing to the automatic placement of Rights.

Rights can be viewed, searched and placed (unless they have been placed already) in the Frequent Buyer’s personal Web Office

Inlernet Bonus Rights (see the Right Commission and Bonus Right Tables at the end of this Annex)

In addition to the individual types of commission, the Frequent Buyer may also be granted what is called Inlernet Bonus Rights in the Inlernet System due to him on his Inlernet-type Rights and Inlernet Bonus Rights.

The Frequent Buyer may, at his sole discretion, place Inlernet Bonus Rights, subject to their types, at any vacant place on the Tree of Rights of the Inlernet country specified by the System.

Inlernet Bonus Rights are linked to the Tree of Rights in a way similar to Rights and increase the number of the Rights above them.

Right commission, which is equal to Right Commission due on Inlernet Rights, is generated from Inlernet Bonus Rights in a manner identical to Inlernet Rights.

Inlernet Bonus Rights are allocated sequence numbers that vary by Inlernet Class in accordance with the table below.

Inlernet Classes Sequence number of Bonus Rights
I. From I.B.001
II. From II.B.001
III. From III.B.001
IV. From IV.B.001
V. From V.B.001
VI. From VI.B.001

The three different Inlernet Bonus Rights are acquired and placed on the Tree of Rights under the conditions below:

International Inlernet Bonus Right:

In the case of International Inlernet Bonus Rights, the Inlernet System selects a Tree of Rights from among the Trees of Rights of the Inlernet countries randomly, yet in a weighted manner on the basis of the Right generation of the individual countries.

Subsequently, the Inlernet Bonus Right is placed at the first vacant Right Place with the first Right of the selected country as a starting point, from left to right and top to bottom. In this manner, International Bonus Rights are placed on the front of the Tree of Rights continuously and automatically.

National Inlernet Bonus Right:

In the case of National Inlernet Bonus Rights, the Inlernet System randomly selects one from among the Frequent Buyers of the same Inlernet Country whose Inlernet System the Frequent Buyer has got himself registered in.

Random selection covers the Frequent Buyers who made purchases worth 140 USD or over at the outlets of Product Partners in the month preceding the generation of the National Bonus Right.

Frequent Buyers may increase their chances at draws as many times twice as the value of their purchases exceeds 140 USD by 35 USD.

Thus, the Frequent Buyer will participate in the draw once if the value of his purchase is 140 USD per month, three times if the value of his purchase is 175 USD per month and five times if the value of his purchase is 210 USD per month, etc. His chances of the placement of a Bonus Right increase to an identical extent.

The System offers the Frequent Buyer thus selected the opportunity to place the Bonus Right at a place selected at his sole discretion on the Tree of Rights in the country in question.

Accordingly, the higher amounts the Frequent Buyer spends a month, the better chances of the placement of the Bonus Right he stands. In this manner he is granted discounts during his purchases and can increase his Right Commission by the Bonus Rights granted at draws.

If Rights are placed automatically for the Frequent Buyer by the Inlernet System, the System places the National Inlernet Bonus Right at a place ideal to the symmetry of the Tree of Rights, starting from the Right that the Frequent Buyer first acquired in the Class concerned.

Personal Inlernet Bonus Right:

The holder of the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right may, at his sole discretion, place his Personal Inlernet Bonus Right on his Tree of Rights.

If the Right is placed automatically, the Frequent Buyer may select the Inlernet Country whose Tree of Rights the Inlernet System places the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right as well as the Right (the first Right of the country or the Frequent Buyer) starting from which the System places the Right. If the System places the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right starting from the first Right of the country, the Right is placed on the first vacant Right place from left to right and from top to bottom on the Tree of Rights. If the System places the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right starting from the first right of the Frequent Buyer, then it will be placed at a place ideal to the balance of the Tree of Rights.

If, in the calendar month preceding the generation of the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right, the Frequent Buyer makes purchases worth 105 USD or over at the outlets of Product Partners, he may, at his sole discretion, decide whether he places the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right on the Tree of Rights or takes the amount equal to the value of the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right, in which case, it will be credited to his Voucher Account.

Value of Personal Inlernet Bonus Rights in the individual Classes:

Inlernet Classes Value of Bonus Rights
I. 31,5 USD
II. 94,5 USD
III. 262,5 USD
IV. 787,5 USD
V. 2 362,5 USD
VI. 4 725 USD

Personal Inlernet Bonus Rights have a lower value than standard Inlernet Rights because they do not generate Career Commission or Career Units.

Moves of Personal Inlernet Bonus Rights into one Class higher or lower:

Moves count as further new Personal Inlernet Bonus Rights in the Class in question into which moves have been made. The number of the Rights needed for moves is contained in the Right Commission and Bonus Right Tables at the end of this Annex.

Right Commission and Bonus Rights arising from the Inlernet Bonus Rights generated during the moves are identical to Right Commission and Bonus Rights due on the Inlernet Bonus Rights in the lower or higher Class in question.

In the case of a Personal Inlernet Bonus Right, if the Frequent Buyer does not have a Right of his own in the lower or higher Class, his Instructor or the Instructor’s Instructor, etc. may place it.

In the case of a move, the holder of the Right may, at his sole discretion, place the Inlernet Bonus Right on his Tree of Rights at any vacant Right place in the Class in question.

If the Right is placed automatically, the Frequent Buyer may select the Inlernet Country whose Tree of Rights the Inlernet System places the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right in the lower or higher Class as well as the Right (the first Right of the country or the Frequent Buyer) starting from which the System places the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right. If the System places the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right in the lower or higher Class starting from the first Right of the country, the Right is placed on the first vacant Right place from left to right and from top to bottom on the Tree of Rights. If the System places the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right starting from the first right of the Frequent Buyer, then it will be placed at a place ideal to the balance of the Tree of Rights.

If, in the calendar month preceding the generation of the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right received in the course of movements between classes, the Frequent Buyer makes purchases worth 105 USD or over, he may, at his sole discretion, decide whether he places the Bonus Right on his Tree of Rights or takes the amount equal to the value of the Bonus Right, in which case, it will be credited to his Voucher Account.

Sticker Bonus Right:

The Frequent Buyer with a vehicle inspected and deemed as in an appropriate condition by Inlernet may place a set of stickers promoting Inlernet, his own telephone number and referee’s website on his vehicle Promotion means a large-size Inlernet logo on each door with the “create value with your purchases”, the address of the Inlernet Website ( or his own Inlernet referee’s website) and the Frequent Buyer’s own mobile phone number. Except for the logo, the same is displayed at the rear of the vehicle

The Frequent Buyer shall have the promotion stickers placed on his vehicle at a specialised facility, at his own costs, and in the manner prescribed by and with the approval of Inlernet.

The Frequent Buyer who has the stickers placed on his vehicle and meet all the conditions below is entitled to a Sticker Bonus Right every 3 months after the 3rd month.

Further conditions of the Sticker Bonus Right:

- paying an entrance fee each month, the Frequent Buyer attends the Inlernet Day organised by Inlernet,
- he shall present the vehicle to the inspector appointed by Inlernet every three months on the Inlernet Day,
- he shall keep the vehicle clean and tidy,
- he shall cover at least 2,000 kilometres in his vehicle in a 3-month period.

The Sticker Bonus Right is due and can be requested only if all the above conditions are met. The Frequent Buyer must submit a request for the sticker to Inlernet every three months.

The conditions of the Sticker Bonus Right are the same as those applicable to the Personal Bonus Right.

Right Commission (see the Right Commission and Bonus Right Commission Tables at the end of this Annex)

The Rights on both sides of the binary Tree of Rights are counted along with the Frequent Buyer’s own rights, those of the Frequent Buyers recommended by him and the Bonus Rights on the Tree. The first Right Commission fee is paid in the case of Inlernet Rights if there is at least one Right on either side. The condition contained in the tables at the end of this Annex for the payment of Right Commission is the existence of an appropriate number of Rights on the Frequent Buyer’s Tree of Rights.

Annex 3 to the GTC contains other commission and conditions applicable to other non-Inlernet Rights (Classic and Modern Rights).

The Old System (i.e. not the Inlernet System) shall pay the Frequent Buyer commission on rights from the Old System and earnest money acceptable for use in accordance with the GTC and the annexes thereto. In this respect, Inlernet may only proceed as a delivery agent, not as a legal successor or obligor.

The Inlernet System motivates the Frequent Buyer to hold an identical number of rights on either side of the Tree of Rights and thus build a Tree of Rights in equilibrium. The Tree of Rights in equilibrium generates the highest amount of Right Commission.

Right Commission is credited to the Frequent Buyer’s Commission Account when the relevant number of Rights are acquired.

The value of Right Commission varies by Inlernet Class.

If a Right no longer earns commission, it will be labelled as “wound up”. The number of the Rights needed for the wound-up status is contained in the tables at the end of this Annex.

Right commission may also be earned purely from own personal purchases. For this purpose, the Frequent Buyer need not promote Inlernet to a new Frequent Buyer.

Right commission allowed to be used only for ordering purchase vouchers:

The Frequent Buyer is entitled to Right Commission accepted for Purchase Vouchers and credited to the Frequent Buyer’s Voucher Account if there are 30 Rights in Inlernet Classes I-II, 24 Rights in Inlernet Classes III-IV and 18 Rights in Inlernet Class VI on either side of his binary Tree of Rights.

The amounts on the Voucher Account may only be used for ordering Inlernet Vouchers accepted by Inlernet Product Partners; however, ordering is not mandatory. All the amounts credited to the Voucher Account shall stay there until the Frequent Buyer spends them on ordering vouchers.

Right commission accepted for ordering Purchase Vouchers may also be earned purely from own personal purchases. For this purpose, the Frequent Buyer need not promote Inlernet to a new Frequent Buyer.

Amounts to be earned in the individual Inlernet Classes and to be booked on the Voucher Account:

Inlernet Classes Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top/bottom) Right Commission to the Voucher Account
I. 30 / 30 322 USD
II. 30 / 30 966 USD
III. 24 / 24 1 659 USD
IV. 24 / 24 4 977 USD
V. 24 / 24 14 931 USD
VI. 18 / 18 27222,22 USD

If, in the calendar month preceding the booking of the Right Commission on the Voucher Account, the Frequent Buyer makes purchases worth at least 315 USD at the outlets of Product Partners, all the amounts that would otherwise be credited to his Voucher Account will be credited to his Commission Account rather than his Voucher Account for one month.

(The same applies to the value of the Bonus Rights detailed above.)

In this way, the Frequent Buyer may spend the amounts thus earned at any location not only at the outlets of Product Partners and not only in the form of vouchers and have them transferred by Inlernet to his bank account.

Referee’s Commission and Referee’s Commission Difference (see the table below)

The Frequent Buyer is eligible for Referee’s Commission for the recommendation of and the professional care provided for the direct Frequent Buyers recommended by him.

The Frequent Buyer is eligible for Referee’s Commission Difference for the professional care provided for the indirect Frequent Buyers in his group, but not recommended by him.

Referee’s Commission shall be the percentage value, subject to the Frequent Buyer’s position, of the Right Commission on the Frequent Buyers in his group and recommended directly by him and determined by the Referee’s Commission Table below.

Referee’s Commission Difference shall be the difference between the percentage values of the Right Commission on the indirect Frequent Buyers in his group (i.e. those not recommended directly by him) and determined by the Referee’s Commission Table below.

Positions Referee’s commission as a percentage of Right Commission Referee’s commission difference as a percentage of Right Commission
Number Designation
1. Sales Agent 7% 0%
2. Sales Advisor 10% 3%
3. Sales Manager 13% 3%
4. Group Manager 16% 3%
5. Team Director 19% 3%
6. Division Director 22% 3%
7. Owner Director 25% 3%

Referee Commission is generated only if there is a difference between the Frequent Buyer and the Frequent Buyer recommended by him (whose group comprises the mediated Frequent Buyers of the former Frequent Buyer) in respect of career position.

Referee Commission Difference shall be the difference between the Referee Commission Fees of the two Frequent Buyers.

Referee Commission and Commission Difference shall be credited to the Commission Account of the Frequent Buyer upon the generation of the relevant Right Commission.

Career Units in the Inlernet System:

Inlernet applies Career Units to measure the Frequent Buyer’s purchases in the Inlernet System, his individual turnover and the turnover handled by the Frequent Buyers recommended by him either directly or indirectly and, thus, the efficiency of his activity as a Referee, Supporter, Carer and Trainer in the Inlernet System objectively and independently of the Managers in the System. The number of the Career Units determines the Frequent Buyer’s position in the System, and his position determines the various commission fees due to him.

If the direct Frequent Buyers in the Frequent Buyer’s group acquire Inlernet Rights in the System, the Frequent Buyer will receive Own Career Units shown in the Right Unit Table below and subject to the Right Class in question which will form the basis of the Career Commission and Career Position of the Frequent Buye.

If the indirect Frequent Buyers in the Frequent Buyer’s group acquire Inlernet Rights in the System, the Frequent Buyer will receive Group Career Units shown in the Right Unit Table below and subject to the Right Class in question which will form the basis of the Career Commission Difference and Career Position of the Frequent Buyer.

Right Unit Table:

Inlernet Classes Value of 1
Right Career Unit
I. 1
II. 3
III. 10
IV. 30
V. 90
VI. 180

Based on the turnover generated, realised or to be realised in the future and the prospective turnover guaranteed by earnest money paid on purchase vouchers, the following Career Units has been determined:

Own Units:

Frequent Buyers’ Own Units are the Career Units generated on the Rights arising from either the earnest money paid on vouchers by the Frequent Buyers recommended directly by the Frequent Buyer or their discounts. The Rights in the Frequent Buyer’s own name and belonging to his own frequent buyer identifier do not count as Units. They are granted to the Frequent Buyer at a level higher (i.e. his Instructor/Referee) as an Own Unit.

Group Units:

Frequent Buyers’ Group Units are the Career Units generated on the Rights arising from either the earnest money paid on vouchers by the Frequent Buyers recommended indirectly by the Frequent Buyer or their discounts.

Total Units:

The sum of Own Units and Group Units.

Career positions in the Inlernet System:

The number of the Total Units collected by the Frequent Buyer in the Inlernet System and the minimum number of Own Units needed for the position, with the two aggregated, shall determine the Frequent Buyer’s Career Position in the System in accordance with the table below.

Positions Units needed for the position
Number Designation Total Units Own Unit
1. Sales Agent 0 0
2. Sales Advisor 300 50
3. Sales Manager 1 000 100
4. Group Manager 3 000 300
5. Team Director 10 000 1 000
6. Division Director 30 000 1 500
7. Owner Director 80 000 2 000

The results of the Frequent Buyer and his Group shall, at all times, be the totality of the Units due on the Rights newly generated during the 6-month period in question.

A 6-month period shall mean the period between January and June and the one between July and December, with the proviso that the last day of a 6-month period is the last day of June and that of December. It follows that the first day of a 6-month period shall be the first day immediately following the above days, i.e. the first day of January and July.

Group and Own Units generated over a 6-month period are aggregated continuously, while Group Units are reduced to zero at the beginning of the next 6-month period. Own Units are maximised at 2,000 Units at the beginning of each settlement 6-month period. Thus, the starting number of Units of each settlement 6-month period is equal to the number of the Own Units that the Frequent Buyer has collected since his registration, but in no case higher than 2,000 Own Units, irrespective of his position.

As Units and commission on new Rights is settled daily in the Inlernet System, positions may change daily between 00:00 hour and 01:00 hour after the day when the Unit is acquired and the change is automatically performed by the Inlernet System.

Units are settled with commission belonging to a lower position taken into account until the date of a change in the position. The condition for crediting the Units is for the Right to be included in the Right File of the Class in question, and the condition for the latter to materialise is for the Commission needed for the Right to be transferred to the bank account of Inlernet and booked in the System, or, alternatively, the payment of the earnest money via the Web Office.

Due to the Units, Career positions are reached on the basis of completely objective criteria. No subjective decision is taken into account regarding the reaching of a position (thus the opinion of the Managers in the System is not taken into consideration either).

Career positions in the Inlernet System determine the Frequent Buyer’s commission, tasks and, vicariously, through other Frequent Buyers, the evaluation and appreciation of his work, performance and personality.

Minimum number of Own Units needed for a change in position:

In order for the Frequent Buyer’s direct recommending and supporting activity to be encouraged, a definite number of Own Units from among the Units needed for the individual Career Positions is required.

Frequent Buyers need to have minimum 50 Own Units from among the 300 Total Units needed for position 2.

Frequent Buyers need to have minimum 100 Own Units from among the 1,000 Total Units needed for position 3.

Frequent Buyers need to have minimum 300 Own Units from among the 3,000 Total Units needed for position 4.

Frequent Buyers need to have minimum 1,000 Own Units from among the 10,000 Total Units needed for position 5.

Frequent Buyers need to have minimum 1500 Own Units from among the 30,000 Total Units needed for position 6.

Frequent Buyers need to have minimum 2,000 Own Units from among the 80,000 Total Units needed for position 7.

The “80% rule” taken into account when a position is changed:

In order to encourage the Frequent Buyer’s recommending activity, Inlernet worked out the 80% rule in the Inlernet System.

Under the rule, when the reaching of a higher position is calculated, maximum 80% of the Total Units required for the position concerned is taken into account from among the Units of his strongest Frequent Buyer Group (i.e. the one that has acquired the highest number of Units).

Method of calculating the 80% rule:

If the Total Units of the direct Frequent Buyer with the highest number of Total Units in the Frequent Buyer’s group reach 80% of the Total Units required for the position of his Referee (Instructor), no further Units from among the direct Frequent Buyer’s Unit will count towards the Group Units of his Referee and, hence, position. Thus, the remaining 20% has to be collected from Own Units or the Group Units generated by other indirect Frequent Buyers and groups.

Accordingly, a successful direct Frequent Buyer and his group are not sufficient on their own for a change in position.

The example below illustrates the application of the 80% rule.

In the example the Frequent Buyer is in position 2 and collected the following Units in the current 6-month period.

1. Turnover handled by the 1st direct Frequent Buyer’s group: 30 Group Units
2. Turnover handled by the 2nd direct Frequent Buyer’s group: 915 Group Units
3. Turnover handled by the 3nd direct Frequent Buyer’s group: 70 Group Units
4. Turnover handled by the 4nd direct Frequent Buyer’s group: 50 Group Units
Own Units: 100 Units

Total Units: 30 + 915 + 70 + 50 + 100 = 1 165 Units

1,000 Total Units are required for the next position, of which 100 must be 100 Own Units, which the Frequent Buyer has.

The group with the highest number of Units is the 2nd direct Frequent Buyer’s Group.

Under the 80% rule, maximum 80% of the Units needed for the next position can be taken into account with regard to the turnover of the 2nd direct Frequent Buyer’s turnover, i.e. 80% of the 1,000, i.e. 800 Units in the example.

Accordingly, out of the 915 Group Units, only 800 Group Units are taken into consideration.

Thus, the Total Units calculated for the change in position: 30 + 800 + 70 + 50 + 100 = 1,050 Units.

1,050 Units is sufficient for a change in position, and thus, the Frequent Buyer in the example was promoted to Sales Manager.

He receives commission on all the 1,165 Units.

The 80% rule encourages the Frequent Buyer to recruit and groom a large number of successful Frequent Buyers.

If the Frequent Buyer does not have the remaining 20% of Units under the 80% rule, he cannot change positions even if he has all the necessary Total Units and Own Units.

The lack of the remaining 20% of the Units may lead to a situation where Frequent Buyers are in the same position, i.e. they may catch up with each other, and a Referent may take over his Instructor.

The 80% rule is only applied when the reaching of a position is checked; however, the full amount and not only 80% of the commission on Units is settled and paid out.

Career Commission and Career Commission Difference (see the Table below)

Frequent Buyers are eligible for Career Commission on the grounds of training and supporting Frequent Buyers.

Frequent Buyers are eligible for Career Commission on the grounds of training and supporting indirect Frequent Buyers not recommended by them.

If the direct Frequent Buyers in the Frequent Buyer’s Group acquire Inlernet Rights in the System, the Frequent Buyer receives Own Units shown in the above Right Unit Value Table and subject to the Right Class in question.

If the indirect Frequent Buyers in the Frequent Buyer’s Group acquire Inlernet Rights in the System, the Frequent Buyer receives Own Units shown in the above Right Unit Value Table and subject to the Right Class in question, and such Units will form the basis of his Career Commission Difference and Career Position.

Career Commission is calculated on the Frequent Buyer’s Own Units, subject to his current position, on the basis of the Position Value Table below in a manner that the generated Own Units must be multiplied by the value belonging to the current position.

Position Value Table:

Position Career Commission Career Commission Difference
Position Designation 1 Own Unit: 1 Group Unit:
1. Sales Agent 1,40 USD 0 USD
2. Sales Advisor 1,925 USD 0,525 USD
3. Sales Manager 2,4325 USD 0,5075 USD
4. Group Manager 2,94 USD 0,5075 USD
5. Team Director 3,447 USD 0,5075 USD
6. Division Director 3,995 USD 0,5075 USD
7. Owner Director 4,4625 USD 0,5075 USD

Career Commission and Career Commission Differences are credited to the Frequent Buyer’s Commission Account when the relevant Right is place.

Career Commission Difference is only generated if there is a difference between the above two Frequent Buyers in respect of their position.

Career Commission Difference is only generated if there is a difference between the above two Frequent Buyers in respect of their position.

If the Frequent Buyer is promoted to a position that is higher than his Instructor’s, e.g. owing to the 80% rule, the Instructor will lose the Units generated by his recommended Frequent Buyer and his group, and will not be eligible for any commission or commission difference on the Frequent Buyer preceding him in position. If the Instructor taken over is promoted to the position where the Frequent Buyer who has taken him over is, the Inlernet System will continue to subordinate the Frequent Buyer to the Instructor and the Units will be credited to the Instructor’s account again. If a difference in positions materialises again at a later date, the Instructor will become eligible for the commission difference again.

In the course of such overtaking the Instructor of the overtaking Frequent Buyer automatically becomes a Frequent Buyer moving up the Frequent Buyer Career Tree who is at least in the same position to which the overtaking Frequent Buyer is due to a change in position.

Owner Director Positions:

If the Frequent Buyer reaches the Owner Director 7 position, he may be promoted, whereby he becomes eligible for further special benefits.

The table below shows the Unit-related conditions for reaching Owner Director positions:

Owner Director positions Total international Units required for the positions
Number Designation
7/1. Owner Director 150 000
7/2. Owner Director 300 000
7/3. Owner Director 600 000
7/4. Owner Director 1 250 000
7/5. Owner Director 2 500 000
7/6. Owner Director 5 000 000
7/7. Owner Director 10 000 000
7/8. Owner Director 20 000 000
7/9. Owner Director 40 000 000
7/10. Owner Director 80 000 000

In the case of Total international Units required for the Owner Director positions, all international Own Units and international Group Units are taken into account.

International Units comprise the Units of all their direct and indirect Frequent Buyers and their groups irrespective of countries. Thus, the performance of the Frequent Buyer in any Inlernet country belonging to the Frequent Buyer counts towards the reaching of the Owner Director position.

A further condition for reaching and retaining position 7/1 or higher is that at least two direct Frequent Buyers belonging to the Owner Director concerned are in an Owner Director position, with either generating at least 75,000 new Total Units during the 6-month period in question.

Reduction to zero every 6 months also applies to reaching Owner Director positions, however, the 80% rule is no longer taken into account.

If the Owner Director fails to reach the Units needed for the Owner Director position, he will be demoted to the Owner Director position for which he acquires the necessary Units over the 6-month period. Demotion is capped at Owner Director Position 7.

If he is demoted to a position that is lower than the position of the Owner Director recommended by him, the overtaken Owner Director will not be eligible for Owner Director Pension or Owner Director Referee Commission on this group; however, the overtaking Owner Director will continue to belong to his personal group, i.e. he will receive the Units needed for the reaching of the position from this group as well.

Owner Director Pension:

If the Frequent Buyer reaches the Owner Director 7/1 position, he also becomes eligible for Owner Director Pension on the Units of the Owner Directors in his personal frequent buyer group and their groups, the sum of which Units is shown in the table below:

Owner Director position Owner Director Pension per Own or Group Unit
Number Designation
7/1. Owner Director 0,0490 USD
7/2. Owner Director 0,0455 USD
7/3. Owner Director 0,0420 USD
7/4. Owner Director 0,0385 USD
7/5. Owner Director 0,0350 USD
7/6. Owner Director 0,0315 USD
7/7. Owner Director 0,0280 USD
7/8. Owner Director 0,0245 USD
7/9. Owner Director 0,0210 USD
7/10. Owner Director 0,0175 USD

There is no difference between Own Units and Group Units when Owner Director Pension is calculated, as both are taken into account.

Owner Director Pension is credited exclusively on the Units generated by the direct Frequent Buyers in an Owner Director position and in the personal frequent buyer group and by their groups.

If a Frequent Buyer in an Owner Director is promoted to the same Owner Director position as his Referee (Instructor) is, the Owner Director’s Pension is not paid on the Units generated in this group.

If there is more than one position difference between the Owner Directors, then the upper Owner Director is also eligible for the Pension pertaining to each (vacant) position below him, in accordance with the number of the differences in position levels.

In the case of Owner Director Pension, all international Units generated by the turnover handled by the direct Owner Directors belonging to the eligible Owner Director and their groups are taken into account.

Owner Director Referee Commission:

If the Frequent Buyer reaches the Owner Director 7/1 position, he also becomes eligible for Owner Director Referee Commission expressed as a percentage of the Right Commission due to the direct Owner Directors belonging to his personal frequent buyer group and their groups, the amount of which commission is shown in the table below:

Owner Director positions Owner Director Referee Commission as a percentage of the Right Commission
Number Designation
7/1. Owner Director 0,5%
7/2. Owner Director 0,4%
7/3. Owner Director 0,4%
7/4. Owner Director 0,4%
7/5. Owner Director 0,3%
7/6. Owner Director 0,3%
7/7. Owner Director 0,3%
7/8. Owner Director 0,2%
7/9. Owner Director 0,2%
7/10. Owner Director 0,2%

There is no difference between the Right Commission of direct Frequent Buyers and that of indirect Frequent Buyers when Owner Director Referee Commission is calculated, as both are taken into account.

There is no difference between the Right Commission of direct Frequent Buyers and that of indirect Frequent Buyers when Owner Director Referee Commission is calculated, as both are taken into account.

If a Frequent Buyer in an Owner Director is promoted to the same Owner Director position as his Referee (Instructor) is, the Owner Director Referee’s Referee Commission is not paid on the Right Commission generated in this group.

If there is more than one position difference between the Owner Directors, then the upper Owner Director is also eligible for the Referee Commission pertaining to each (vacant) position below him, in accordance with the number of the differences in position levels.

In the case of Owner Director Referee Commission all international Right Commission is taken into account that is generated by the Owner Directors belonging to the eligible Owner Director and their groups.

International Owner Director Inlernet Commission:

Inlernet Worldwide AG. distributes 1% of its after-tax profit calculated on the basis of its total international sales turnover among the Frequent Buyers in Owner Director 7 position in all the Inlernet countries in proportion to the achievements and Units. In this way the Frequent Buyers in Owner Director 7 position are also directly interested in increasing the total international sales turnover of Inlernet in the same manner the Owner of Inlernet is.

If there is another Owner Director at the level directly below the Owner Director, when 1% is distributed, the turnover handled by the Frequent Buyer in Position 7 at the lower level does not count towards the Frequent Buyer in Position 7 at the level above.

International Owner Director Inlernet Dividends shall be credited to the Commission Accounts of Frequent Buyers in Position 7 in a single amount after the closing of the tax year and the calculation of earnings.

Office Support:

If the Frequent Buyer reaches the Team Director 5 or a higher position, he becomes eligible for Office Support in the amount of 0,1 to 0,3 USD depending on the position he holds based on the table below.

Positions Office Support
Number Designation 1 Unit:
1. Sales Agent 0 USD
2. Sales Advisor 0 USD
3. Sales Manager 0 USD
4. Group Manager 0 USD
5. Team Director 0,26 USD
6. Division Director 0,18 USD
7. Owner Director 0,09 USD

The objective of Office Support is to provide incentives for Frequent Buyers to operate an Inlernet office opened and maintained in accordance with the Office Regulation Contract. Opening the office is subject to Inlernet’s approval and the signing of the Office Regulation Contract.

Until the office selected by the Frequent Buyer and approved by Inlernet in advance is officially opened, the amounts of Office Support shall be credited to the Commission Accounts as inactive Office Support.

Inlernet information offices can be opened by Frequent Buyers in the Team Director 5 position and are operated by the Frequent Buyers including lease fees, purchase prices and overheads. Inlernet shall not maintain the offices thus opened in any contractual or other form, nor shall it perform any activities in them, therefore, they do not generate premises for Inlernet. However, Office Support can alleviate the financial burdens related to the office and borne by the Frequent Buyer considerably.

If, in accordance with the Office Regulation Contract, the Frequent Buyer opens an office, the entire accrued amount of Office Support is accorded an active status, i.e. it can be disbursed and is transferred to the Frequent Buyer’s account as a single sum during one of the bi-weekly transfers.

Support is an earmarked amount and shall be used in a targeted manner, for which proof has to be provided. Towards this end, the Frequent Buyer shall, during an Inlernet audit, present the documents evidencing the purpose of the amounts.

If there is another person eligible for Office Support in a position identical to the person entitled to Office Support at the level below the latter, the turnover of the Frequent Buyer at the higher level shall not include the turnover of the Frequent Buyer below him in an identical position.

Car financing:

If the Frequent Buyer reaches the Division Director 6 or a higher position, he becomes eligible for car financing in the amount of 0,1 to 0,2 USD depending on the position he holds based on the table below.

Positions Car financing
Number Designation 1 Unit:
1. Sales Agent 0 USD
2. Sales Advisor 0 USD
3. Sales Manager 0 USD
4. Group Manager 0 USD
5. Team Director 0 USD
6. Division Director 0,18 USD
7. Owner Director 0,09 USD

The objective of Car Financing is to provide incentives for Frequent Buyers to operate the Inlernet vehicle purchased and maintained in accordance with the Car Regulation Contract. To use Car Financing to purchase and operate the vehicle is subject to Inlernet’s approval and the signing of the Car Regulation Contract.

Until the vehicle selected by the Frequent Buyer and approved by Inlernet in advance is officially declared to be an Inlernet vehicle, the amounts of Car Financing shall be credited to the Commission Accounts as inactive Car Financing.

Inlernet vehicles can be purchased by Frequent Buyers in the Division Director 6 position and are operated by the Frequent Buyers including lease fees, purchase prices and the costs of operation. Inlernet shall not maintain the vehicles thus operated in any contractual or other form, nor shall it use them for any purposes, therefore, they do not generate premises for Inlernet. However, Car Financing can alleviate the financial burdens related to the vehicle and borne by the Frequent Buyer considerably.

If, in accordance with the Car Regulation Contract, the Frequent Buyer purchases a vehicle, the entire accrued amount of Car Financing is accorded an active status, i.e. it can be disbursed and is transferred to the Frequent Buyer’s account as a single sum during one of the bi-weekly transfers.

Car Financing is an earmarked amount and shall be used in a targeted manner, for which proof has to be provided. Towards this end, the Frequent Buyer shall, during an Inlernet audit, present the documents evidencing the purpose of the amounts.

If there is another person eligible for car financing in a position identical to the person entitled to Car Financing at the level below the latter, the turnover of the Frequent Buyer at the higher level shall not include the turnover of the Frequent Buyer below him in an identical position.

Product Partner Referee Commission:

If a Regular Customer applies for being a rapporteur and meets the criteria, then Inlernet gives permission for him/her to purchase the Product Partner Rapporteur training material from the video collection of Inlernet . After mastering the material one can apply for the online-rapporteur exam. In case of a successful exam the Regular Customer is allowed to recommend Product Partners to the Inlernet System.

Subsequent to the Frequent Buyer’s recommendation, Inlernet will decide whether it wishes to enter into contract with the candidate/prospective Product Partner. If yes, the Referee shall record the data of the prospective Product Partner in the Inlernet System.

If the Inlernet concludes a contract with the Product Partner recommended by the rapporteur and recorded in the System, the rapporteur who recommended the Product Partner is entitled to one-time commission. The commission will be as follows
- if the number of stores of the Product Partner is seven or more, the Product Partner rapporteur commission is 3.5 USD per store, increased by the average discount rate of the Product Partner.
- if the number of stores of the Product Partner is seven or less, the rapporteur commission is 12,25 USD and 1,75 USD per store, the amount should also be increased by the average discount rate of the Product Partner.


Number of stores (No.) Average discount Rapporteur commission
1. 5,00% 14.70 USD
1. 10,00% 15,40 USD
1. 20,00% 16,80 USD
2. 5,00% 16.53 USD
2. 10,00% 17,32 USD
5. 10,00% 23,10 USD
10. 10,00% 38.50 USD
20. 5,00% 73.50 USD

A further condition of the rapporteur commission is to fill in properly the Rapporteur commission settlement document on the website of Inlernet in the Downloads menu submit it to the email address, in the first week following the month.

The Rapporteur is entitled to get the 1% of the amount of the discount offered by the Product Partner after purchases made at the Product Partner, until the Rapporteur actively assists with potential product partner administration, on behalf and request of Inlernet.

The amount is paid by Inlernet in a lump sum, gross 35 000 USD turnover per Product Partner is paid with the credit entry to the commission account if the Rapporteur is entitled to it as described above.

If the Referee fails to actively and helpfully participate in any administrative issue related to the Product Partner or he does not participate at all, he will forfeit the Product Partner Referee Commission on the sales turnover handled by the Product Partner for good.

Rewards in the individual positions:

In recognition of Frequent Buyers’ efforts and achievement, subject to the level of the position held and the conditions met, attractive as well as useful gifts are given to Frequent Buyers.

Upon reaching Sales Advisor 2 Position: silver badge in the shape of the Inlernet logo

Upon reaching Sales Manager 3 Position or acquiring 300 Own Units: gold badge in the shape of the Inlernet logo studded with 3 diamonds or returning the gold badge in the shape of the Inlernet logo studded with 3 diamonds previously awarded

Upon reaching Group Manager 4 Position: gold badge in the shape of the Inlernet logo studded with 4 diamonds or returning the gold badge in the shape of the Inlernet logo studded with 3 diamonds previously awarded

Upon reaching Team Director 5 position: gold badge in the shape of the Inlernet logo studded with 5 diamonds or returning the gold badge in the shape of the Inlernet logo studded with 4 diamonds previously awarded

Upon reaching Division Director 6 position: gold badge in the shape of the Inlernet logo studded with 6 diamonds or returning the gold badge in the shape of the Inlernet logo studded with 5 diamonds previously awarded

Upon reaching Owner Director 7 position: gold badge in the shape of the Inlernet logo studded with 7 diamonds or returning the gold badge in the shape of the Inlernet logo studded with 6 diamonds previously awarded

Upon acquiring 300 Own Units, but still in a Sales Advisor 2 position: gold badge in the shape of the Inlernet logo studded with 2 diamonds or returning the silver badge in the shape of the Inlernet logo previously awarded

At reaching 1,000 own Units: an exclusive Waldmann sterling silver plated ballpoint pen with the logo of Inlernet

pon acquiring 2,000 Own Units: Inlernet Laptop purchased by Inlernet within the applicable price ranges; the Frequent Buyer may select the brand and the make.

The Frequent Buyer may, free of charge, replace the badges received earlier for the above achievements with a badge in the shape of the Inlernet logo corresponding to his current position if he meets the conditions and reaches the position required for that badge in the Inlernet System again.

Frequent Buyers shall bear any tax liability arising from the monetary gains represented by the gifts directly, file the related tax return and pay the required tax advances and taxes.

Travel Contest:

In order to further motivate and reward Frequent Buyers in the Inlernet System, Inlernet finances trips to various exciting destinations every six months.

Inlernet always organises exclusive trips of motivating nature to special destinations which it publishes for Frequent Buyers in the Bulletin for the Inlernet Travel Contest at the beginning of the 6-month period in question.

Travel contests are evaluated every 6 months, generally, in the 2nd or 3rd month after the end of a 6-month period. Frequent Buyers can keep track of their current ranking in the contest viewing the Contest Chart downloadable via their Web Offices. The chart shows the travel scores linked to Frequent Buyers’ position and calculated in an additive manner over a 6-month period on the basis of the table below.

Position Travel score value per 1 own unit Travel score value per 1 group unit
Number Designation
1. Sales Agent 30 30
2. Sales Advisor 30 20
3. Sales Manager 30 15
4. Group Manager 30 10
5. Team Director 30 5
6. Division Director 30 3
7. Owner Director 30 1

The total number of the competitors in the Travel Contest is based on the national sales turnover realised over a 6-month period. After each 10,000th national unit, the number of travellers grows by one. The number of the national units gathered over a 6-month period is divided by 10,000 and the figure thus received shall be the number of travellers.

Frequent Buyers with the highest number of travel scores on the last day of a 6-month period shall be included in the group of travellers whose number is calculated according to the above method.

The total cost of the travels is paid by Inlernet. The first 10 travellers may be joined by their respective partners or a close relative of a legal age, whenever such is possible, on condition that the full amount of the travel expenses of such partners or relatives shall be borne by the Frequent Buyer travellers. Inlernet shall be notified in writing of the accompanying partners on the 60th day before the end of the 6-month period concerned at the lates.

If a Frequent Buyer decides not to go on a trip, he will not be replaced by another Frequent Buyer.

A further condition of participation in the Travel contest for the Regular Customer is to have an existing contractual relationship with Inlernet and an active status is required during the entire period of the contest.

From the 4th place upwards, what is called the 80% rule is taken into account when journey scores are calculated; accordingly, the travel scores of Frequent Buyers calculated on the basis of the units of their direct Frequent Buyers with the highest number of units shall be taken into account up to 80% of the total number of their travel scores at most.

The right to participate in a trip may not be exchanged for cash or transferred to someone else.

Frequent Buyers shall bear any tax liability arising from the monetary gains represented by the trips, file the related tax return and pay the required tax advances and taxes.

Frequent Buyer tasks in the various career positions:

In order to ensure the greatest possible successes, Frequent Buyers shall carry out the following tasks in their current position.

1. Sales Agent position:

  • Purchase at the Product Partners
  • Familiarity with the content of the Inlernet website
  • Reading presentations available at the website
  • Familiarity with and processing of the GTC and the annexes thereto
  • Mastering the Web Office function
  • Launch of an optimal Tree of Rights in accordance with the volumes of purchases
  • Drawing up a list of names
  • Setting personal and business objectives
  • Planning based on objectives and available opportunities
  • Entry by direct Frequent Buyers into the System
  • Promoting the referee website among friends
  • Mastering and practising referee talk
  • Participation in weekly and monthly events

2. Sales Advisor position:

  • Similar to Position 1
  • Earning 300 own units and thus obtaining the gold badge in the shape of the Inlernet logo
  • Inviting friends to weekly and monthly events
  • Regular referee’s discussions
  • Persuading Frequent Buyers to carry out the tasks listed in Position 1
  • Answers to Frequent Buyers’ questions
  • Participation in referee’s discussions organised by Frequent Buyers
  • Presentation of the Web Office function to Frequent Buyers
  • Training and motivating Frequent Buyers

3. Sales Manager position:

  • Similar to Position 2
  • Acquisition of new rights
  • Organisation of regular weekly training for groups of frequent buyers
  • Organisation of regular weekly Inlernet presentation sessions
  • Delivery of lectures on Inlernet Days
  • Recruitment of Product Partner Referees and their recommendation to Inlernet
  • Checking the knowledge mastered by Frequent Buyers in Positions 1 and 2
  • Checking the earnest money paid on high-amount vouchers
  • epeated check on familiarity of Frequent Buyers with GTC and the annexes thereto.
  • Discussion of objectives and plans with the frequent buyers’ groups
  • Mastering public speaking, participation in training in public speaking
  • Communication with Inlernet’s Customer Service
  • Personal consultations, discussions with Inlernet’s managers with an active status

4. Group Manager position:

  • Similar to Position 3
  • Checking of the fulfilment of the tasks listed in Position 3 in respect of Frequent Buyers
  • Holding weekly Inlernet presentations and training
  • Negotiations with major Product Partners
  • Executive meetings for Frequent Buyers in Position 3 or, perhaps, Position 2.
  • A talk on the Inlernet Day
  • Compilation of topics for the Inlernet Day
  • Participation in training in public speaking
  • Recommendation of Product Partner Referees and Product Partners
  • Checking of referees
  • Addressing matters from Inlernet

5. Team Director position:

  • Similar to Position 4
  • Opening, operating and managing an Inlernet information office
  • A talk on the Inlernet Day
  • Checking of Frequent Buyers in Position 4
  • Holding weekly Inlernet presentations and training
  • Strategic discussions with lead Frequent Buyers in Positions 6 and 7
  • Establishment of a community of at least 100 immediate Frequent Buyers
  • Mastering and transferring the overall knowledge base related to the Inlernet System
  • Identifying places of training and entry into contract with them
  • Co-ordinating product partner issues in the region (in the vicinity of the information office)
  • Organising executive meetings
  • Investigation into complaints from Inlernet

6. Division Director position:

  • Similar to Position 5
  • Supervision of Inlernet information offices
  • Organising and holding incentive events
  • Purchasing Inlernet vehicles
  • A talk on the Inlernet Day
  • Business entertainment
  • Distribution of awards
  • Preparation of presentation materials and newsletters
  • Inspection of a uniform promotion image in respect of Frequent Buyers
  • Strategic discussions with major Product Partner
  • Directing frequent buyer groups at travel competitions
  • Inspection of prospective Inlernet information offices
  • Organising executive meetings

7. Owner Director position:

  • Similar to Position 6
  • Communication with the chief executive officers of Inlernet’s Hungarian subsidiaries
  • Overall organisation of the Inlernet Day
  • A talk on the Inlernet Day
  • Distribution of awards
  • Visiting the individual venues
  • Coordination and recommendation of penetration into new countries
  • Organisation and holding of national executive meetings
  • Consultancy regarding strategic decisions
  • Channelling of feedback, ideas and opportunities from the network to Inlernet Management

The Inlernet measures the Regular Customer activity, which is aimed at getting all the assistance for active Regular Customers from the management, with which they can do their purchases and activities within Inlernet more effectively.

Activity is determined by the following points:

  • Purchase - Regular Customer should do purchases every month at the Product Partners of Inlernet
    (the fee of admission to the Inlernet Day does not qualify as purchase)
  • Acquisition of new Right - Regular Customer should acquire new Right every month
  • Event - Regular Customer should turn up and participate in the Inlernet-Day every month
  • Recommending – if any one of the criteria below applies
    • Discussions with managers
      (personal discussions with Inlernet’s managers with an active status)
    • Getting new direct Frequent Buyers in the Inlernet System
    • Holding Inernet web conferences
    • Organisation of public Inlernet presentations
    • Delivery of lectures on Inlernet Days
    • Operating an Inlernet Office

In order to have and to hold a managerial status, the above managerial tasks need to be tended each If the above criteria fail to be met for two consecutive calendar months, the manager’s status becomes inactive the following month. If the above conditions are not met in two consecutive calendar months Regular Customer shall be considered inactive for the next month. In this case, the inactive Regular Customer's direct Regular Customers may request a simplified (without the consent of Referrer) change of team process to their next active Regular Customer of the referral line, thereby contributing to their activities within Inlernet.

The accounting of currency fluctuations
and exchange differences due to international interoperability:

Exchange rate adjustment in case of Right commission:

The Inlernet System adjusts exchange differences related to Right commissions when crediting the value of commissions earned in the Voucher Account (Class I, 30/30;. Class II 30/30; etc.) and in case of exchange loss compared to the previously defined exchange rate.

Calculation procedure:

Calculation is always performed by the system at credit entry, thus at 1/1, 4/4, 9/9, 10/10, etc. Right statuses. In both branches only the value of Right required for the commission and earned earliest in time is examined. If there is a Right the value of which is higher than the country's Right-Tree's given Right-value after the exchange rate calculation (namely, in case of exchange gain) the System does not perform any exchange adjustment. If at the credit entry of Right commission there is a Right the value of which is lower than the standard Right-value predetermined by Inlernet in the corresponding Right-Tree tree, the system stores the exchange rate loss

At 1/1 position the exchange rate is 274 HUF/CHF.
At 1/1 Right-status when crediting Right commissions the Rights No. 2 and No. 5 are considered.
Calculation: 12000 HUF + 274 HUF/CHF x 42 CHF = 23508 HUF.
Originally, the value of the two Rights would have been 24.000 HUF
therefore, an exchange rate loss is expected.
23.508 / 24.000 = 0,98.
The Right commission would be 1000 HUF , multiplied by the ratio (0,98) we get 980 HUF,
therefore, an exchange rate adjustment of 20 HUF shall be made,
which shall be deducted from the Voucher Account by the System
after the 30/30 position of Right No. 1.

Exchange rate adjustment in case of Referral commission
and Pension of Owner-Director:

The System performs the exchange rate adjustment on the basis of the above method, and if necessary enters the adjustment in the account.

Exchange rate adjustment in case of Career commission, Office support and Car Finance:

The System examines the daily exchange rate at the time of crediting and if an exchange rate loss arises, its extent shall be deducted from the Commission Account of the Regular Customer immediately after credit entry.

Exchange rate adjustment in case of Regular Customer and Referral refund, or Product Partner Rapporteur commission:

The System calculates the amount of refunds and commissions with the central rate amended by the adjustment percentage predetermined by Inlernet.

1 CHF = 290 HUF
Adjustment percentage defined in the System: by 2%
(based on the percentage that adjusts the central rate, provided by the bank of Inlernet.)
HU123456 Regular Customer does a purchase in Switzerland for the amount of 1000 CHF
at a Product Partner at 10%.
Its Regular customer refund would be 10 CHF.
The System credits the refund for their Regular Customers in Hungary in Hungarian forint
(always in the currency of the country of the Regular Customer).
The System calculates the value of HUF at mid-market rate
(10 x 290 HUF = 2900 HUF)
and this is modified by the set adjustment percentage
(2900 HUF – (2900 HUF x 2%) = 2842 HUF),
The Referrer, if it has a Hungarian identifier, based on the above shall be credited with 1421 HUF,
but if its Referrer has a Swiss ID, 5 CHF will be credited of course without adjustment.

Voucher order:

If a Regular Customer orders an Online voucher to a foreign Product Partner, its balance will be in the given foreign currency during the voucher ordering process. The adjustment factor is applied again when calculating the balance.

1 CHF = 290 HUF
Adjustment percentage defined in the System: by 2%
The Regular Customer's Commission account has a balance of 100.000 HUF.
The Regular Customer would like to order goods in the value of 200 CHF from a Swiss Product Partner.
When choosing the Product Partner, on the voucher ordering site its balance is converted to CHF
(100.000 HUF / (290 HUF x 1,02) = 338,06 CHF).
The Regular Customer orders the 200 CHF value voucher.
and this is modified by the set adjustment percentage
(2900 HUF – (2900 HUF x 2%) = 2842 HUF),
The System deducts the value of the voucher (200 CHF x 290 HUF x 1,02 = 59.160 HUF)
from the balance and 40.840 HUF will remain in the Commission account.

When ordering voucher, deduction from the Voucher Account, Booking account and Inlernet account is based on the same principles.

Transfer of credits and commission:

Right commission, Career Commission, Referee Commission and Bonus Rights, etc. are credited upon the generation of eligibility, subject to the workload on the Inlernet System’s IT equipment, in a short period of time. The Frequent Buyer may, at any time, query the above commission in his personal Web Office.

Every Friday, the Frequent Buyer receives a short text message (SMS) informing him on the commission he has generated if he places an order for and bears the costs of such. The Frequent Buyer may familiarise himself with the costs of such SMS service using the currently effective Table of Costs and Fees and Public Announcement.

Commission generated and exchangeable for cash (credited to the Commission Account) is transferred to the Frequent Buyer’s bank account every second Monday or if it is a non-working day, on the banking day immediately following it with a 2-week interval in each case.

A 2-week interval means that commission generated before the 2-week period preceding the current payment day on Monday may be paid. Accordingly, commission generated within the 2-week period will be transferred on the Monday immediately following the next two weeks’ period. The Frequent Buyer can establish the exact amount of the commission payable to him in two weeks’ time if he checks the balance of his Commission Account early on the Monday that is two weeks before the payment. This is the maximum amount that can be transferred to his account on Monday in 2 weeks.

Transfers are made only if the Frequent Buyer requested such in his Personal Office in the Settings Menu and bears the costs of transfers. The Frequent Buyer may familiarise himself with the costs of transfers using the currently effective Table of Costs and Fees and Public Announcements.

The Frequent Buyer may, in his Personal Office in the Settings Menu, also specify the amount he would like to get transferred to his bank account from the maximum amount to be transferred. Transfers are made only if the amount is 35 USD or higher. Amounts lower than this will be transferred only once a year, at the end of each year.

Likelihood and conditions of the revision or modification of Annex 1:

Inlernet may, whenever such is necessary, revise or modify the above Annex 1 (Inlernet Benefits, Career System, Commission and Bonuses), aligning it with the prevailing inflation index, market situation, the features of the frequent buyer community as well as terms of taxation.

Revision cannot be performed unilaterally to the detriment of the Frequent Buyer, especially as regards the Commission, Rights and other advantages specified in Annex 1.

An exception to this is a modification warranted by a change in statutory regulations or authority decisions and a factor that is materially adverse to the operation and profitability or that precludes its operation.

The modified annex shall enter into force on the day and be applied with effect from the day on which it is displayed at

Right Commission and Bonus Right Tables
in a breakdown by Class in respect of Inlernet Rights


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top / bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
1 / 1 3,50 USD
4 / 4 12,60 USD
9 / 9 16,80 USD
10 / 10 31,50 USD 1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
14 / 14 25,20 USD
15 / 15 31,50 USD 1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
18 / 18 336,00 USD
20 / 20 1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the national Tree of Right
24 / 24 42,00 USD
25 / 25 1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the international Tree of Rights
30 / 30 322,00 USD,
94,50 USD*
1 Bonus Right in Class II. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
35 / 35
(Wound-up status)
31,50 USD 1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
Commission on wound-up Rights through the Bonus Right: 455,7 USD, or 644,7 USD *If, in the calendar month preceding the generation of the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right, the Frequent Buyer makes purchases worth € 97,5 or over at the outlets of Product Partners, he may, at his sole discretion, decide whether he places the Bonus Right on the Tree of Rights or takes the amount equal to the value of the Bonus Right, in which case, it will be credited to his Voucher Account.
Right commission on all the Rights on the Tree of Rights through the Bonus Right: 720,3 USD, or 1 035,3 USD*


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top / bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
1 / 1 10,50 USD
4 / 4 37,80 USD
9 / 9 50,40 USD
10 / 10 94,50 USD 1 Bonus Right in Class II. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
14 / 14 75,60 USD
15 / 15 94,50 USD 1 Bonus Right in Class II. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
18 / 18 100,80 USD
20 / 20 1 Bonus Right in Class II. on the national Tree of Rights
24 / 24 126,00 USD
25 / 25 1 Bonus Right in Class II. on the international Tree of Rights
30 / 30 966,00 USD,
262,50 USD*
1 Bonus Right in Class III. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
35 / 35
(Wound-up status)
31,50 USD 1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher* and
1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the national Tree of Right and
1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the international Tree of Rights
Commission on wound-up Rights through the Bonus Right: 1 367,1 USD, or 1 850,1 USD *If, in the calendar month preceding the generation of the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right, the Frequent Buyer makes purchases worth € 97,5 or over at the outlets of Product Partners, he may, at his sole discretion, decide whether he places the Bonus Right on the Tree of Rights or takes the amount equal to the value of the Bonus Right, in which case, it will be credited to his Voucher Account.
Right commission on all the Rights on the Tree of Rights through the Bonus Right: 2 160,9 USD, or 3 021,9 USD*


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top / bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
1 / 1 31,50 USD
4 / 4 113,40 USD
9 / 9 151,20 USD
10 / 10 262,50 USD 1 Bonus Right in Class III. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
14 / 14 226,80 USD
15 / 15 262,50 USD 1 Bonus Right in Class III. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
18 / 18 302,40 USD
20 / 20 1 Bonus Right in Class III. on the national Tree of Rights
24 / 24 378,00 USD 1 659,00 USD*,
787,50 USD*
1 Bonus Right in Class IV. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
25 / 25 1 Bonus Right in Class III. on the international Tree of Rights
30 / 30
(Wound-up status)
31,50 USD*,
94,50 USD*
1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher* and
1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the national Tree of Right and
1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the international Tree of Rights and
1 Bonus Right in Class II. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher* and
1 Bonus Right in Class II. on the international Tree of Rights
Commission on wound-up Rights through the Bonus Right: 2 862,3 USD, or 4 300,8 USD *If, in the calendar month preceding the generation of the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right, the Frequent Buyer makes purchases worth € 97,5 or over at the outlets of Product Partners, he may, at his sole discretion, decide whether he places the Bonus Right on the Tree of Rights or takes the amount equal to the value of the Bonus Right, in which case, it will be credited to his Voucher Account.
Right commission on all the Rights on the Tree of Rights through the Bonus Right: 5 180,7 USD, or 7 144,2 USD*


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top / bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
1 / 1 94,50 USD
4 / 4 340,20 USD
9 / 9 453,60 USD
10 / 10 787,50 USD 1 Bonus Right in Class IV. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
14 / 14 680,40 USD
15 / 15 787,50 USD 1 Bonus Right in Class IV. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher**
18 / 18 907,20 USD
20 / 20 1 Bonus Right in Class IV. on the national Tree of Right
24 / 24 1 134,00 USD 4 977,00 USD*,
2 362,50 USD*
1 Bonus Right in Class V. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
25 / 25 1 Bonus Right in Class IV. on the international Tree of Rights
30 / 30
(Wound-up status)
31,50 USD*,
94,50 USD*,
262,50 USD*
1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher* and
1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the national Tree of Right and
1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the international Tree of Rights and
1 Bonus Right in Class II. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher* and
1 Bonus Right in Class II. on the international Tree of Rights and
1 Bonus Right in Class III. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher* and
1 Bonus Right in Class III. on the international Tree of Rights
Commission on wound-up Rights through the Bonus Right: 8 586,9 USD, or 12 912,9 USD *If, in the calendar month preceding the generation of the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right, the Frequent Buyer makes purchases worth € 97,5 or over at the outlets of Product Partners, he may, at his sole discretion, decide whether he places the Bonus Right on the Tree of Rights or takes the amount equal to the value of the Bonus Right, in which case, it will be credited to his Voucher Account.
Right commission on all the Rights on the Tree of Rights through the Bonus Right: 15 542,1 USD, or 21 443,1 USD*


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top / bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
1 / 1 283,50 USD
4 / 4 1 020,60 USD
9 / 9 1 360,80 USD
10 / 10 2 362,50 USD 1 Bonus Right in Class V. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
14 / 14 2 041,20 USD
15 / 15 2 362,50 USD 1 Bonus Right in Class V. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
18 / 18 2 721,60 USD
20 / 20 1 Bonus Right in Class V. on the national Tree of Right
24 / 24 3 402,00 USD 14 931,00 USD*,
4 725,00 USD*
1 Bonus Right in Class VI. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
25 / 25 1 Bonus Right in Class V. on the international Tree of Rights
30 / 30
(Wound-up status)
31,50 USD*,
94,50 USD*,
262,50 USD*,
787,50 USD*
1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher* and
1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the national Tree of Right and
1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the international Tree of Rights and
1 Bonus Right in Class II. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher* and
1 Bonus Right in Class II. on the international Tree of Rights and
1 Bonus Right in Class III. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher* and
1 Bonus Right in Class III. on the international Tree of Rights and
1 Bonus Right in Class IV. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher* and
1 Bonus Right in Class IV. on the international Tree of Rights
Commission on wound-up Rights through the Bonus Right: 25 760,7 USD, or 36 386,7 USD *If, in the calendar month preceding the generation of the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right, the Frequent Buyer makes purchases worth € 97,5 or over at the outlets of Product Partners, he may, at his sole discretion, decide whether he places the Bonus Right on the Tree of Rights or takes the amount equal to the value of the Bonus Right, in which case, it will be credited to his Voucher Account.
Right commission on all the Rights on the Tree of Rights through the Bonus Right: 46 626,3 USD, or 61 977,3 USD*


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top / bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
1 / 1 567,00 USD
4 / 4 2 041,20 USD
9 / 9 2 721,60 USD
10 / 10 4 725,00 USD 1 Bonus Right in Class VI. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher*
14 / 14 4 082,40 USD
15 / 15 4 725,00 USD 1 Bonus Right in Class VI. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher
18 / 18 5 443,20 USD 27 222,23 USD 1 Bonus Right in Class VI. on the national Tree of Right
20 / 20 1 Bonus Right in Class VI. on the international Tree of Rights
25 / 25
(Wound-up status)
31,50 USD*,
94,50 USD*,
262,50 USD*,
787,50 USD*,
2 362,50 USD*
1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher* and
1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the national Tree of Right and
1 Bonus Right in Class I. on the international Tree of Rights and
1 Bonus Right in Class II. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher* and
1 Bonus Right in Class II. on the international Tree of Rights and
1 Bonus Right in Class III. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher* and
1 Bonus Right in Class III. on the international Tree of Rights and
1 Bonus Right in Class IV. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher* and
1 Bonus Right in Class IV. on the international Tree of Rights and
1 Bonus Right in Class V. on the personal Tree of Rights or purchase voucher* and
1 Bonus Right in Class V. on the international Tree of Rights
Commission on wound-up Rights through the Bonus Right: 42 077,6 USD, or 55 066,1 USD *If, in the calendar month preceding the generation of the Personal Inlernet Bonus Right, the Frequent Buyer makes purchases worth € 97,5 or over at the outlets of Product Partners, he may, at his sole discretion, decide whether he places the Bonus Right on the Tree of Rights or takes the amount equal to the value of the Bonus Right, in which case, it will be credited to his Voucher Account.
Right commission on all the Rights on the Tree of Rights through the Bonus Right: 69 974,0 USD, or 92 412,5 USD*

1. March 2016.