The name of the person who referred you:  Horváth Mónika, Your ID: HU026539



Annex 3 Commission and Bonuses on Classic Rights and Modern Rights
Effective from 22 March 2014
Jump to Annex 1., 2. and 4.

This annex shall constitute an inseparable part of the General Terms of Contract (GTC) of the currently effective Inlernet Frequent Buyer Contract.

Operation of the pre-Inlernet System generating Classic Rights and Modern Rights

(hereinafter: Old System)

Under the Old System referred to above, Frequent Buyer Refunds and Referee Refunds were paid directly to Frequent Buyers from trade discounts, then, the remaining discount was credited to the Discount Account; thus the amount in the System could be used up for earning Classic or Modern Rights.

If the balance of the Frequent Buyer’s Discount Account reached HUF 10,000 in the System, he could earn Rights and place them on his personal Tree of Rights. He was free to choose from between the two types of Rights in the course of earning rights or paying earnest money on vouchers. Rights were called Classic and Modern Rights.

Inlernet took over Classic and Modern Rights under the Old System.

Thus, the Frequent Buyers who had Classic or Modern Rights in the Inlernet System may earn Right Commission or Bonus Rights from these old Rights subject to the conditions below. Conditions and rates in the individual Classes are contained in the Tables at the end of this Annex.

The Individual types of Rights differ from each other in terms of the commission and the Bonus Rights generated by them and the conditions thereof.

In the case of Frequent Buyers with Classic or Modern Rights in the Old System, newly acquired rights are linked to existing ones (Classic or Modern Rights), whereby their existing Tree of Rights can be increased.

Newly acquired rights may only be linked to Classic or Modern Rights corresponding to their respective Inlernet Class irrespective of the old and new amounts required for their acquisition. Connection continues to adopt the binary principle, i.e. maximum two new Rights can be linked (at the top/bottom) to one existing Right.

Thus, new Inlernet Rights linked to the Rights earned under the Old System increase the number of old (Classic and/or Modern) Rights and generate commission and Bonus Rights belonging to the relevant Right type.

Right commission on Classic and Modern Rights

The Rights on both sides of the binary Tree of Rights are counted along with the Frequent Buyer’s own rights, those of the Frequent Buyers recommended by him and the Bonus Rights on the Tree. The first Right Commission fee is paid on Classic or Modern Rights if there are at least two Rights on either side. The condition for the disbursement of Right Commission is the availability of a sufficient number of Rights on the Frequent Buyer’s Tree of Rights shown in the tables at the end of this Annex.

The Inlernet System motivates the Frequent Buyer to hold an identical number of rights on either side of the Tree of Rights and thus build a Tree of Rights in equilibrium. The Tree of Rights in equilibrium generates the highest amount of Right Commission.

Right Commission is credited to the Frequent Buyer’s Commission Account when the relevant number of Rights is acquired.

The value of Right Commission varies by Inlernet Class.

If a Right no longer earns commission, it will be labelled as “wound up”. The number of the Classic and Modern Rights needed for the wound-up status is contained in the tables at the end of this Annex.

Right commission may also be earned purely from own personal purchases. For this purpose, the Frequent Buyer need not promote Inlernet to a new Frequent Buyer.

Right commission allowed to be used only for ordering purchase vouchers in the case of Classic and Modern Rights:

The Frequent Buyer is entitled to Right Commission accepted for Purchase Vouchers and credited to the Frequent Buyer’s Voucher Account if there are 30 Rights in Inlernet Classes I-II, 24 Rights in Inlernet Classes III-IV and 18 Rights in Inlernet Class VI on either side of his binary Tree of Rights (at the top and at the bottom).

The amounts on the Voucher Account may only be used for ordering Inlernet Vouchers accepted by Inlernet Product Partners; however, ordering is not mandatory. All the amounts credited to the Voucher Account shall stay there until the Frequent Buyer spends them on ordering vouchers.

Right commission accepted for ordering Purchase Vouchers may also be earned purely from own personal purchases. For this purpose, the Frequent Buyer need not promote Inlernet to a new Frequent Buyer.

Amounts to be earned in the individual Inlernet Classes and to be booked on the Voucher Account in the case of a Classic Right:

Inlernet Classes Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Classic Right under review (top/bottom) Right Commission to the Voucher Account
I. 30 / 30 92 000 HUF
II. 30 / 30 216 000 HUF
III. 24 / 24 408 000 HUF
IV. 24 / 24 1 224 000 HUF
V. 24 / 24 3 672 000 HUF
VI. 18 / 18 5 184 000 HUF

Amounts to be earned in the individual Inlernet Classes and to be booked on the Voucher Account in the case of a Modern Right:

Inlernet Classes Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Modern Right under review (top/bottom) Right Commission to the Voucher Account
I. 30 / 30 33 000 HUF
II. 30 / 30 99 000 HUF
III. 24 / 24 170 000 HUF
IV. 24 / 24 510 000 HUF
V. 24 / 24 1 530 000 HUF
VI. 18 / 18 2 160 000 HUF

Bonus Rights arising from Classic Rights

(hereinafter: Classic Bonus Right)

In addition to the individual types of commission, the Frequent Buyer receives Classic Bonus Rights on Classic type Rights and Bonus Rights in the Inlernet System.

The Inlernet System places the Classic Bonus Right at a vacant place corresponding to the Class of the Right in the manner detailed below.

Classic Bonus Rights connect to each other on the Tree of Rights similar to other rights; however, they only increase the number of the Rights in higher categories if the Classic type Parent Right (from which the Classic Bonus Right stems) is twice the number of the Right needed for the “wound up” status. I.e. 60 in Class 1 and 60 in Class 2, 48 in each of the Classes 3 to 5 and 36 in Class 6.

Accordingly, when the above conditions apply, National Classic Bonus Right with 4-4 rights, Personal Classic Bonus Right with 8-8 right, International Classic Bonus Right with 18-18 rights and the Personal Classic Bonus Right granted in the next class increase, ex post, the number of the rights before them.

Any right (except Classic Bonus Rights) below Classic Bonus Rights will, in each case, increase the number of Classic Bonuses.

Right Commission and Bonuses from Classic Bonus Rights are identical to Right Commission and Bonuses due on Inlernet Rights.

The three different Classic Bonus Rights are acquired and placed on the Tree of Rights under the conditions detailed below:

International Classic Bonus Right:

In the case of International Classic Bonus Rights, the Inlernet System selects a Tree of Rights from among the Trees of Rights of the Inlernet countries randomly, yet in a weighted manner on the basis of the Right generation of the individual countries.

Subsequently, the Inlernet Bonus Right is placed at the first vacant Right Place with the first Right of the selected country as a starting point, from left to right and top to bottom. In this manner, International Bonus Rights are placed on the front of the Tree of Rights continuously and automatically.

National Classic Bonus Right:

In the case of National Classic Bonus Rights, the Inlernet System randomly selects one from among the Frequent Buyers of the same Inlernet Country whose Inlernet System the Frequent Buyer has got himself registered in.

Random selection covers the Frequent Buyers who made purchases worth HUF 40,000 or over at the outlets of Product Partners in the month preceding the generation of the National Bonus Right.

Frequent Buyers may increase their chances at draws as many times twice as the value of their purchases exceeds HUF 40,000 by HUF 10,000.

Thus, the Frequent Buyer will participate in the draw once if the value of his purchase is HUF 40,000 per month, three times if the value of his purchase is HUF 50,000 per month and five times if the value of his purchase is HUF 60,000 per month, etc. His chances of the placement of a Bonus Right increase to an identical extent.

The System offers the Frequent Buyer thus selected the opportunity to place the Bonus Right at a place selected at his sole discretion on the Tree of Rights in the country in question.

Accordingly, the higher amounts the Frequent Buyer spends a month, the better chances of the placement of the Bonus Right he stands. In this manner he is granted discounts during his purchases and can increase his Right Commission by the Bonus Rights granted at draws.

If Rights are placed automatically for the Frequent Buyer by the Inlernet System, the System places the National Classic Bonus Right at a place ideal to the symmetry of the Tree of Rights, starting from the Right that the Frequent Buyer first acquired in the Class concerned.

Personal Classic Bonus Right:

The Inlernet System selects a place from among the vacant Right places for Personal Classic Bonus Right on the Tree of Rights, starting from the right that the Frequent Buyer acquired first in the Class in question with the proviso that the Personal Classic Bonus Right cannot be placed at any vacant Right place reserved for Bonus Rights.

Bonus Rights from Modern Rights

(hereinafter: Modern Bonus Right)

In addition to the individual types of commission, the Frequent Buyer may be granted Modern Bonus Rights in the Inlernet System on Modern Rights and Bonus Rights.

In the Inlernet System the Frequent Buyer may place his Modern Bonus Rights, subject to types, at his sole discretion in the Right File of the Inlernet country specified by the System at any free Right place.

Modern Bonus Rights connect to each other similar to other rights and increase the number of the Rights in a higher category immediately.

The Right Commission and Bonuses arising from Modern Bonus Rights are identical to Right Commission and Bonuses due on Inlernet Rights.

The three different Modern Bonus Rights are acquired and placed on the Tree of Rights under the conditions detailed below:

International Modern Bonus Right:

In the case of International Modern Bonus Rights, the Inlernet System randomly selects one from among the Frequent Buyers of the same Inlernet Country whose Inlernet System the Frequent Buyer has got himself registered in.

Subsequently, the Inlernet Bonus Right is placed at the first vacant Right Place with the International Bonus Right of the selected country as a starting point, from left to right and top to bottom. In this manner, International Bonus Rights are placed on the front of the Tree of Rights continuously and automatically.

National Modern Bonus Right:

In the case of National Modern Bonus Rights, the Inlernet System randomly selects one from among the Frequent Buyers of the same Inlernet Country whose Inlernet System the Frequent Buyer has got himself registered in.

Random selection covers the Frequent Buyers who made purchases worth HUF 40,000 or over at the outlets of Product Partners in the month preceding the generation of the National Bonus Right.

Frequent Buyers may increase their chances at draws as many times twice as the value of their purchases exceeds HUF 40,000 by HUF 10,000.

Thus, the Frequent Buyer will participate in the draw once if the value of his purchase is HUF 40,000 per month, three times if the value of his purchase is HUF 50,000 per month and five times if the value of his purchase is HUF 60,000 per month, etc. His chances of the placement of a Bonus Right increase to an identical extent.

The System offers the Frequent Buyer thus selected the opportunity to place the Bonus Right at a place selected at his sole discretion on the Tree of Rights in the country in question.

Accordingly, the higher amounts the Frequent Buyer spends a month, the better chances of the placement of the Bonus Right he stands. In this manner he is granted discounts during his purchases and can increase his Right Commission by the Bonus Rights granted at draws.

If Rights are placed automatically for the Frequent Buyer by the Inlernet System, the System places the National Modern Bonus Right at a place ideal to the symmetry of the Tree of Rights, starting from the Right that the Frequent Buyer first acquired in the Class concerned.

Personal Modern Bonus Right:

The holder of the Right may place the Personal Modern Bonus Right on his Tree of Right at his sole discretion.

If the Right is placed automatically, the Frequent Buyer may select the Inlernet Country whose Tree of Rights the Inlernet System places the Personal Modern Bonus Right as well as the Right (the first Right of the country or the Frequent Buyer) starting from which the System places the Right. If the System places the Personal Modern Bonus Right starting from the first Right of the country, the Right is placed on the first vacant Right place from left to right and from top to bottom on the Tree of Rights. If the System places the Personal Modern Bonus Right starting from the first right of the Frequent Buyer, then it will be placed at a place ideal to the balance of the Tree of Rights.

Move into a higher or lower class in the case of Classic and Modern Rights

Moves qualify as new Personal Bonus Right (Classic or Modern) in the relevant Class into which the move was made. The number of the Rights needed for the move is contained in the Right Commission and Bonus Right Tables at the end of this Annex.

Right Commission and Bonus Rights arising from the Classic and Modern Bonus Rights generated in the course of the moves are equal to the Right Commission and Bonus Rights due on Inlernet Bonus Rights in the lower or higher Class in question.

In the course of the moves the Inlernet System places the Classic Bonus Right randomly starting from the first own Right in a higher Class, and not at a place that is ideal to the symmetry of the Tree of Rights.

A Classic Bónusz-Jog esetén, ha nem rendelkezik Törzsvásárló saját Joggal a magasabb Osztályban, akkor az Instruktora első Jogától, vagy Instruktor Instruktora, stb. első Jogától kiindulva, véletlenszerűen, a Jog-fa szimmetrizációja szempontjából nem az ideális helyre helyezi el az Inlernet-Rendszer a Bónusz-Jogot.

In the event of a move (in the previous and the next Classes), the holder of the Right may place the Modern Bonus Right on his Tree of Right at his sole discretion.

If the Right is placed automatically, the Frequent Buyer may select the Inlernet Country whose Tree of Rights the Inlernet System places the Modern Bonus Right in the lower or higher Class as well as the Right (the first Right of the country or the Frequent Buyer) starting from which the System places the Modern Bonus Right. If the System places the Modern Bonus Right in the lower or higher Class starting from the first Right of the country, the Right is placed on the first vacant Right place from left to right and from top to bottom on the Tree of Rights. If the System places the Modern Bonus Right starting from the first right of the Frequent Buyer, then it will be placed at a place ideal to the balance of the Tree of Rights.

Unless the Frequent Buyer has a right of his own in a higher or lower Class, his Instructor or the Instructor’s Instructor, etc. may place his Modern Bonus Rights.

Neither Classic nor Modern Bonus Rights generate Career Units or Career Commission.

Referee Commission and Owner Director Referee Commission on Classic and Modern Rights

The percentage value of and the conditions of Referee Commission and Owner Director Referee Commission and Commission Difference on Classic and Modern Rights shall be identical to commission on Inlernet Rights contained in Annex 1 to GTC.

Conditions for the disbursement of commission related to the Old System:

All types of commission arising from Classic and Modern Rights remain inactive, i.e. in a non-usable and non-disbursable status in the Frequent Buyer’s Web Office until the blocked bank account of the Old System is released and the funds on it needed for the disbursement of the above commission are transferred to the Bank Account of Inlernet.

Bonus Rights arising from Classic and Modern Rights cannot be placed until the blocked bank account of the Old System is released and the funds on it needed for the disbursement of the above commission are transferred to the Bank Account of Inlernet.

The Old System (i.e. not the Inlernet System) shall pay the Frequent Buyer commission on rights from the Old System and earnest money acceptable for use in accordance with the GTC and the annexes thereto. In this respect, Inlernet may only proceed as a delivery agent, not as a legal successor or obligor.

Likelihood and conditions of the revision or modification of Annex 3:

Inlernet may, whenever such is necessary, revise or modify the above Annex 3 (Classic Rights and Modern Rights and Commission and Bonuses thereof), aligning it with the prevailing inflation index, market situation, the features of the frequent buyer community as well as terms of taxation.

Revision cannot be performed unilaterally to the detriment of the Frequent Buyer, especially as regards the Commission, Rights and other advantages specified in Annex 3.

An exception to this is a modification warranted by a change in statutory regulations or authority decisions and a factor that is materially adverse to the operation and profitability or that precludes its operation.

An exception to this is a modification warranted by a change in statutory regulations or authority decisions and a factor that is materially adverse to the operation and profitability or that precludes its operation.

Right Commission and Bonus Right Tables in a breakdown by Class in respect of Classic Rights


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top/bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
2 / 2 2 400 HUF  
4 / 4 3 600 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class I on the national Tree of Right
8 / 8 4 800 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class I on the personal Tree of Rights
14 / 14 7 200 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class I on the international Tree of Rights
18 / 18 9 600 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class I on the international Tree of Rights
24 / 24 12 000 HUF  
30 / 30
(Wound-up status)
92 000 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class II on the personal Tree of Rights


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top/bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
2 / 2 7 200 HUF  
4 / 4 10 800 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class II on the national Tree of Right
8 / 8 14 400 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class II on the personal Tree of Rights
14 / 14 21 600 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class II on the international Tree of Rights
18 / 18 28 800 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class II on the international Tree of Rights
24 / 24 36 000 HUF  
30 / 30
(Wound-up status)
216 000 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class III on the personal Tree of Rights


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top/bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
2 / 2 21 600 HUF  
4 / 4 32 400 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class III on the national Tree of Right
8 / 8 43 200 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class III on the personal Tree of Rights
14 / 14 64 800 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class III on the international Tree of Rights
18 / 18 86 400 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class III on the international Tree of Rights
24 / 24
(Wound-up status)
108 000 HUF 408 000 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class IV on the personal Tree of Rights


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top/bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
2 / 2 64 800 HUF  
4 / 4 97 200 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class IV on the national Tree of Right
8 / 8 129 600 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class IV on the personal Tree of Rights
14 / 14 194 400 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class IV on the international Tree of Rights
18 / 18 259 200 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class IV on the international Tree of Rights
24 / 24
(Wound-up status)
324 000 HUF 1 224 000 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class V on the personal Tree of Rights


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top/bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
2 / 2 194 400 HUF  
4 / 4 291 600 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class V on the national Tree of Right
8 / 8 388 800 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class V on the personal Tree of Rights
14 / 14 583 200 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class V on the international Tree of Rights
18 / 18 777 600 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class V on the international Tree of Rights
24 / 24
(Wound-up status)
972 000 HUF 3 672 000 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class VI on the personal Tree of Rights


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top/bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
2 / 2 388 800 HUF  
4 / 4 583 200 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class IV on the national Tree of Right
8 / 8 777 600 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class VI on the personal Tree of Rights
14 / 14 1 166 400 HUF 1 Classic Bonus Right in Class VI on the international Tree of Rights
18 / 18
(Wound-up status)
1 555 200 HUF 5 184 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the personal Tree of Rights

Jog jutalék és Bónusz-Jog táblázatok Osztályonként a Modern Jogokra vonatkozóan


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top/bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
2 / 2 1 000 HUF  
4 / 4 1 500 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the national Tree of Rights
8 / 8 2 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the personal Tree of Rights
14 / 14 3 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the international Tree of Right
18 / 18 4 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the personal Tree of Rights
24 / 24 5 000 HUF  
30 / 30
(Wound-up status)
33 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class II on the personal Tree of Rights


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top/bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
2 / 2 3 000 HUF  
4 / 4 4 500 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class II on the national Tree of Rights
8 / 8 6 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class II on the personal Tree of Rights
14 / 14 9 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class II on the international Tree of Right
18 / 18 12 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the national Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the personal Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the international Tree of Right
24 / 24 15 000 HUF  
30 / 30
(Wound-up status)
99 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class III on the personal Tree of Rights


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top/bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
2 / 2 9 000 HUF  
4 / 4 13 500 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class III on the national Tree of Rights
8 / 8 18 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class III on the personal Tree of Rights
14 / 14 27 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class III on the international Tree of Right
18 / 18 36 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the national Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the personal Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the international Tree of Right and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class II on the national Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class II on the personal Tree of Rights
24 / 24
(Wound-up status)
45 000 HUF 170 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class IV on the personal Tree of Rights


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top/bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
2 / 2 27 000 HUF  
4 / 4 40 500 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class IV on the national Tree of Rights
8 / 8 54 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class IV on the personal Tree of Rights
14 / 14 81 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class IV on the international Tree of Right
18 / 18 108 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the national Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the personal Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the international Tree of Right and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class II on the national Tree of Rights a and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class II on the personal Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class III on the national Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class III on the personal Tree of Rights
24 / 24
(Wound-up status)
135 000 HUF 510 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class V on the personal Tree of Rights


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top/bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
2 / 2 81 000 HUF  
4 / 4 121 500 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class V on the national Tree of Rights
8 / 8 162 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class V on the personal Tree of Rights
14 / 14 243 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class V on the international Tree of Right
18 / 18 324 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the national Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the personal Tree of Rightsa and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the international Tree of Right and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class II on the national Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class II on the personal Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class III on the national Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class III on the personal Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class IV on the national Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class IV on the personal Tree of Rights
24 / 24
(Wound-up status)
405 000 HUF 1 530 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class VI on the personal Tree of Rights


Number of Rights placed in the binary system following the Right under review (top/bottom) Right Commission Right Commission to the Voucher Account Bonus Rights
2 / 2 162 000 HUF  
4 / 4 243 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class VI on the national Tree of Rights
8 / 8 324 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class VI on the personal Tree of Rights
14 / 14 486 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class VI on the international Tree of Right
18 / 18
(Wound-up status)
648 000 HUF 2 160 000 HUF 1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the national Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the personal Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class I on the international Tree of Right and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class II on the national Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class II on the personal Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class III on the national Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class III on the personal Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class IV on the national Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class IV on the personal Tree of Rights and
1 Modern Bonus Right in Class V on the personal Tree of Rights

22 March 2014