The name of the person who referred you:  Lintallerné Nagyváradi Katalin, Your ID: HU007053


Major Product Partners

Swiss Beauty Fashion Kozmetika Kiskereskedelem

1035 Budapest, Vihar u. 18.

Product Partner ID: HU8895PP02
Commercial Price Discount: 20%

Telephone: + 3614301897
Mobile: + 36703379384
Contact Person: Pikovszky Csilla
Contract Date: 2013. december 16.

This Product Partner has renewed its contract with the Internet. The partner's details are under negotiation.
Before buying, check with the Product Partner!

Short Description

20% a kiskereskedelmi árból!


Etre belle (német), EdeS (svájci), Dr. Ron Kadir Laboratories (izraeli) pro kozmetikumok nagykereskedése. Kizárólagos magyarországi képviselet.

Payment Options

  • Cash
  • Inlernet - Online Voucher