The name of the person who referred you:  Lintallerné Nagyváradi Katalin, Your ID: HU007053


Major Product Partners

Trendy Pop bizsu ajándék

4031 Debrecen, Kishegyesi út 1-11

Product Partner ID: HU12250PP01
Commercial Price Discount: 15%

Mobile: + 36309452022
Contact Person: Gálfi József
Contract Date: 2013. július 22.

This Product Partner has renewed its contract with the Internet. The partner's details are under negotiation.
Before buying, check with the Product Partner!

Short Description

bizsu, ajándék, napszemüveg, sapka, sál


Az üzlet a Kishegyesi úti Tesco áruházban található.

Payment Options

  • Cash
  • Inlernet - Online Voucher