The name of the person who referred you:  Lintallerné Nagyváradi Katalin, Your ID: HU007053


Major Product Partners

Petro- Canada Benzinkút

2721 Pilis, Rákóczi u. 38.

Product Partner ID: HU10667PP01
Commercial Price Discount: 1%

Telephone: + 3629496805
Mobile: + 36309321897
Contact Person: Zsitva Sándor
Contract Date: 2013. október 11.

This Product Partner has renewed its contract with the Internet. The partner's details are under negotiation.
Before buying, check with the Product Partner!

Short Description

Üzemanyag értékesítés


- Benzin
- Gázolaj
- Kenőanyagok

Payment Options

  • Cash
  • Inlernet - Online Voucher